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Shit. Even megatons of dough don't save them from the heat and smog. Take them on merry-go-rounds, too.


Smoke in St. Petersburg, Novgorod is also covered

Muscovites, stop smoking.

Oh, fuck. Even megatons of money do not save from heat and smog. Take them on merry-go-rounds, too.

There are no megatons, all the money has been allocated, and rightly so, but why the fuck are these Moscow centres open until 17 and 20?

Such cataclysms don't come for free, turn on the printing press and recruit the missing people

Of course there will be inflation + 1 or +2% to the existing inflation, that's fine, that's what the whole population will pay for their salvation.

Why is it necessary to chase a grandmother and her granddaughter out of a clean, cool room at 5 p.m. back into this horror?

Why do people buy hoses from "near-mess" companies with their own money to take them back to the emergency services?


There are no megatons, all the money has been allocated and this is correct, but why the fuck are these Moscow centres open until 17 and 20?

Such cataclysms don't come for free, turn on the printing press and recruit the missing people

Yes of course there will be inflation + 1 or +2% to the existing inflation, that's fine, that's what the whole population will pay for their salvation.

Why is it necessary to chase a grandmother and her granddaughter out of a clean, cool room at 5 p.m. back into this horror?

Why do people buy hoses from "near-mess" companies with their own money and take them back to the emergency services?

No, Mikhail. I've been thinking, fuck you, not help in an emergency. You're overeager. I did not even get decent medical care in my non-peripheral region, although I poured in a lot of cash through taxes into the state. So I take my leave. That's the thing: all your pleasures are paid for by the entire population.

No, Mikhail. I've been thinking, fuck you, not help in an emergency. You're overeager. I did not even get decent medical care in my non-peripheral region, although I poured a lot of money into the state through taxes. So I take my leave. That's the thing: all your pleasures are paid for by the entire population.

I don't get it, but I didn't ask for anything.

It's all the smokers' fault. And the tobacco companies. Tax the former. The latter to ruin the cost of reforestation, housing and the health of the remaining non-smokers. And smokers don't care what kind of smoke they breathe... They'll die first anyway. But I don't want to pay for their treatment. The same goes for other addicts (alcohol and other drugs).

Shit! Instead of sunbathing I sit at home with the windows shut!!! I hate smokers!!! :-)))


I listened to Alexander, born in 1982, the manager of a travel agency and I'm disappointed. He introduced himself as an Israeli in the first posts because it was funny, he does not remember with whom from the administration he had a dialogue about the fire ponds, he does not know who the authorities are in the village, he has not been to the dacha since then, his mother used to take the marketplace and build it. He deleted the blog because his mother told him to, reinstated it because he had been thinking all night. He has no suggestions for improvement, except that he will go tomorrow to sign up for the fire brigade. The main and only idea is that everyone is a jerk, an unusually fresh idea. Anyway, third grade, second quarter. Buntman spent the whole show trying to turn the blogger into a constructive one, but by the end he too had washed his hands of it.

God save us from such friends, and we'll deal with our enemies ourselves somehow.

.Vitya, come on. He didn't ask to be friends with anyone. And his blog post, if you listened afterwards AAB, was forwarded to the PM's administration without his consent (they couldn't get in touch) and, characteristically, in the original, i.e. without asterisks! )))

Otherwise, yes. An ordinary guy who is fed up with the whole mess. He has no pretensions to anything more.


By the way, just for the record. In the US, there are 150 firefighting tanker planes. In France, where there is not much forest left, there are 30. We have .... 4 !!!
In 2004 it was decided to increase the fleet to 7, but for some reason these grand plans did not come to fruition...


I don't get it, but I didn't ask for anything.
Why are you even bothering? I think that the wealthiest regions of the rf can cope with such trouble on their own, if they get off their asses. They have hands and feet, money, and once a decade they can buy hoses.


now we have

view of the Neva