Can it be? - page 42


The LAST corridor can be any corridor, counting from the entry point (the first corridor), as long as it is the second (from the end):)


i.e., we will reach a total profit by closing positions in the positive trap, placed in place of closed ones, at the boundaries of the FOREFRONT corridor.

I'm having a hard time imagining what we're talking about...

But purely arithmetically, if we always open buy and sell positions simultaneously, i.e. we always create locks, then no matter what order we close these locks, even if we close them in different locks, but always one buy and one sell - we will always have 0 profit.

To make a profit from a lock, we need to close its "sashes" not simultaneously, not at the same price, i.e. sell somewhere lower, buy somewhere higher.


когда в одну из сторон открыто 3 бай и 3 сел, т.е. цена прошла расстояние равное ширине двух коридоров, например, цена пошла на север, то закрываем перекрытием бай, который открыт в точке входа и второй по счету сел. Затем тут же на их место выставляем ордера идентичные закрытым и если цена развернется и достигнет точки входа, то мы уже закроем перекрытием вновь открытые позиции и ...получим прибыль.

in this case, we will also make 0 profit, as we will just cover the remaining "no pair" very first sell

The LAST corridor can be any corridor, counting from the entry point (the first corridor), as long as it is the second (from the end):)

We can place pending orders, for example, after the price has passed the 40-ppt trend and placed a profit stop, for example, 30ppt before each lot. And when the trend goes on, the profit will grow and on correction it will be fixed.

1. I still have a hard time imagining what we're talking about...

2. But purely arithmetically, if we always open buy and sell simultaneously, i.e. we constantly create locks, then no matter what order we close these locks, even buy and sell of different locks, but always one buy and one sell - we will always have 0 profit.

3) In order to get profit from a lock, you have to close its "sashes" not simultaneously, not at the same price, i.e. sell somewhere lower, buy somewhere higher.

1. Me too:)

2. I agree, but if, at the same time, after closing a positive lock, you place orders identical to the closed ones, and close them again, you will make a profit. The trick is in the up move we close buy and sell, and when the price goes back up, these orders, placed in the same order, will again give profit when they are closed, i.e. the sell will be higher than the buy, and when we move (from the starting point) down, we will have a sell below the buy, in a reverse move they will again close in profit.

3. Just thinking about this....

In this case, we will also get 0 profit, because we will close the first remaining "no pair" Sell.

we will not close it, as buy is not opened yet (it is lower), only after the opening of the "pair", we will close it with the counter.


Shit, I didn't capture it for history.


You know, guys, it's a very interesting topic with this overlapping of positions, if you manage the volume of positions. As the situation develops, there are a lot of options for closing, there is a choice (overlapping or simple closing). I've invented something interesting here. It is not like Vojtovitch's system, but I always exit with a profit.

Time for my own book:)

Not just let it out, but sell it as a cat in a poke. After all, the secret of how to get out of a lock-up with a profit on the balance sheet has long been known. Therefore, the statements and other information on which they can calculate this same secret polichinelle not demonstrate in any case - nasty buggers will figure it out and the book will not buy.

See Almost GRAAL!!! It's just a matter of a small thing - how to get money out of it?


Not only to release, but also to sell it as a cat in a poke. After all, the secret of how to get out of the lockup with a balance sheet profit has long been known. You cannot show them the secrets - they will figure it out and won't buy the book.

See Almost GRAAL!!! It's just a question of how to get money out of him?

Exactly :)

he offers to deposit 100 rubles every month and run them up with the growth of the deposit...



Shit, I didn't capture it for history.

mine or something:) I won't make jokes like that again:)