Can it be? - page 51

Are you talking about lok? (crowned locs are especially beautiful at sunset...)

I'll tell you one thing about locke,

the locke wasn't a locke at all lately, but a black smoke in his guise, and the real locke got hung up by ben...


I'll tell you one thing about locke,

I'll tell you one thing about the lock, it wasn't a lock at all lately, it was a black smoke in his guise, and the real lock was hung by Ben...

A lock is the simultaneous opening of equal, differently directed positions. Everything else is not lock, but management and marketing.


sever30: Пардон........


Really dumb. I was trying to understand how Vojtovich's system works. After analyzing what he wrote, I came to the conclusion that such a system can exist. Except that it's not based on the locs that everyone here has written about, but on a completely different principle. The reason why it cannot be realized on automata is because I've never implemented it on automata and I don't need it at all.

I will try it, time will tell.


Richie, you don't have to answer as you usually do, let me be unworthy... but heed the advice...

Don't look for how the system "works", but how (if) it predicts the market. If it does NOT predict it, it does NOT work. Fat point.

denis_orlov: Look not for how the system "works", but how (if) it predicts the market. If it does NOT predict it, it does NOT work. Fat point.

Denis, if I didn't reply, I apologise, I'm not always on "live", maybe I missed something. By the way, we have a lot in common. I absolutely agree with you about forecasting, no matter what some people say about forecasting, it is everywhere in one form or another.


Vladimir, if I have offended you in any way, I apologize, I didn't mean to. I don't have Vojtovich's book, I have already written about it to many people and I am telling you about it now.

I do not have a problem to buy the book for 1000USD, it is not a lot of money. But I am not sure that I will be able to earn money with this system. If I had that confidence, I would either buy the book or try to figure out the "options" myself.

Now, I sit back and make my own system .....


I read a sci-fi book a long time ago, I vaguely remember, but here's the gist. It's a Cold War-type time, the countries have reached a kind of equilibrium, and, well, we have to "catch up and overtake". The government gathers the scientists and sells them a fake. A concrete one, with proofs - the enemy has "harnessed" gravitation. I.e. the opponent has anti-gravs, though it is impossible.

Gone are the scientific men to think. And the psychological barrier was already broken. It's like theoretically impossible, but if... The ideas began to appear.

They invented a real antigrave.



Anyway, the anti-grav has been invented for real.


The story is called 'The Experiment', by Robert Jones

Gone are the pundits to think. And the psychological barrier is already broken. It's like in theory you can't, but if... Ideas came up, and so on.

Anyway, they invented the real antigrave.

That's right, to invent the anti-Fora, you have to break down a lot of psychological barriers. Frankly, you can't see from this thread that the barriers have been broken yet. The discussion revolves around and around breaking locs.

2 Richie: I hope you are past the obsession with Vojtovich's "system". There's nothing there, it's just a beautiful wrapper - "Golden formulas". These formulas are not shouted on every corner, they are just used.


Look not for how the system "works", but how (if) it predicts the market. If it does NOT predict it, it does NOT work. Bold point.

A deal can be represented as (D, S, T, V), where

D - direction (1 - buy, -1 - sell),

S - stop loss value,

T - target value,

V - volume of trade .

There is no sense in separate trades - we need profit from series of trades, i.e. sum of losses should be less than total profit, therefore it's better to add one more component (D, S, T, V, N), where

N - trade number.

Do you want to say that for successful trading you need to predict all 5 unknowns? :)

Wouldn't it be easier to forcefully limit all the infinite set of solutions of the system of equations to the most suitable sets of solutions? Then you don't need to predict anything - it will be enough to choose the parameters of constraints.

Mathemat: 2 Richie: I hope so .......

No obsession. I have got answers to many questions, I wish I had the chance to ask them all. What I know, I will check personally and manually. I'm not talking about the locs of course. The reaction of the "community" and its individual members didn't surprise me, exactly what it should have been.