Can it be? - page 38


By the way, yes, why? We're not in the states, why not call things by their proper names?
Because the thief might resent himself and hang himself from the nearest pole in grief... and that's not humane or productive... and his family and innocent children would suffer for nothing... Those who are desperate to part with their money also receive a certain product - the attention and courtesy they deserve. :)

I need to think about it... If you really want to, I'll send you a thought in a private message.

Why should I do it in person, it's not an advertisement),

if you can understand what you're saying...))

In the meantime, we continue the great unveiling!!!

...(drum roll)

Only here! Only now!

Restored using the most powerful, secret graphic-analytical software in the armoury of the FSB's IT centre!!!

Image from Vojtovitch's book! It took a week to calculate and render, but now we can see part of the secret:

And remember! Knowing unnecessary secrets can be dangerous to your health!..!


Why go private, it's not advertising),

1. post it right here, if you can understand what you have said...))

1. (( I was hoping for you...

Lovina in a new guise? The ZZ is clearly out of the ordinary.
Lovina in a new guise? The ZZ is clearly something out of the ordinary.

it's not a zz, it seems to be a Vojtovic with a net for catching ....... karas

go ahead, Denis.
That's it, he's gone. I hope his brain hasn't exploded from sacred knowledge? The deadline is a week. If he doesn't show up, the topic will have to be buried for good measure.
That's it, he's gone. I hope his brain didn't explode from sacred knowledge? The deadline is a week. If he doesn't turn up, we'll have to bury the subject for good measure.

Asked not to be disturbed. At an emergency meeting of the FSB IT centre

move on, Denis.

Only for money from now on...))

How much is the last offer there? 250?

I'll give you 100!!! But in bulk, no less than 10!...)

Just kidding.


ZZ, clearly has a rounding over the 100pp levels, thus highlighting a kind of "stripes" of trends.

Then we can assume that it's those 100pp wide sideways bars that are of interest: volatility is significant, levels are significant, "psychological".

And further - the grid.

Say, if the price went down - up - down along such a corridor, we suppose to sell again in the "up" area by a pending order, as the price has already determined this level as favorable for selling.

If the price goes down, it is OK! We already had a pullback in a hundred, it means there is bearish strength in the potential and it grows with the price growth... Next comes averaging, averaging, averaging...

This is where the fairy tale ends and life begins...


I promised I wouldn't come here again, but I can't help but reply, I'm laughing at you:))))

Denis, but this is ridiculous!

You copy text with a rectangle closed, then copy a chart with a rectangle closed. You sit there and discuss. Do you take Wojtowicz for an idiot?


I ask the forum administration to delete this thread. I am very sorry I created it, I made a mistake, I did not know there would be such a "binge".