EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 782

Eh, I wonder how people still trade on waves. It's a long time since I stopped trusting these waves and so on. All this is fantasy and fairy tales. If you look closely at the chart, you can see not only the wave, but also Obama's face. Look for other bases, screw the waves.

In order to understand whether the wave structure is disturbed, you have to at least assume this structure.

Idle chatter, set up a branch with Gip - "Reliable Information". :)))


Hello to all the "speculators" I'll show you a screenplay. Decide for yourself where it goes with the "nickel".


In order to understand whether the wave structure is disturbed, it is necessary to at least assume this structure.

Idle chatter, set up a branch with Gip - "Reliable Information". :)))

OK, I'll let the degenerate alcoholics get on with their idiocy.

OK, I won't stop the degenerate alcoholics from being idiotic.


Personally for me the first and not strong support in the pair 13835 is 200 MA on H4 then 1 37 85 lower limit of the channel on the same H4 and at the same time the 3rd approach

Gip and Racker, don't get worked up, I understand you're happy to see each other after a long separation, but let's live together :)))

OK, I won't stop the degenerate alcoholics from being idiotic.
You know, you do have a lot of great and correct thoughts in your posts (some statements I write down as very necessary and important to me), but this statement..... give an excerpt from a little story.... when you throw dirty nappies at something you don't understand, ...... it may turn out that you have to throw them vertically upwards, ..... and the law of gravity....? )))))


Did you take it personally? :))) Well, yes, alcoholism is common and alcoholics are always ready to stand up for their fellow drinker :)))

In a squirrel, are you throwing yourself at passers-by?


Did you take it personally? :))) Well, yes, alcoholism is common and alcoholics are always ready to stand up for their fellow drinker J)))

Do you throw yourself at passers-by in a squirrel?

Ward 6
Monday, I guess not everyone has let go yet)))))