EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 153


And to answer the question, does the graph repeat? It's just that I've read in a book, and it's written in more than one, that graphs repeat from time to time, has anyone noticed this?

Yeah, they go up and down...

I see school holidays are in full swing!

Don't be sarcastic, I was like that myself:))))
well, it's probably in the middle of school:)what's school got to do with it?)

Excuse me, I must have made a bad joke, I didn't mean to offend you or cling to your words.

For me, the funny thing is the advice : "Don't give advice!")) and no more.

* the mood in the morning is good.

I get it...I's's just a little different...when people don't understand something or have nothing to say, they start teaching's like a psycho defense...the best defense is offense in other words...
I'm probably in the middle of school:) What's school got to do with it?)

I'll shut up!

But to answer the question, does the graph repeat? I just read in a book, and it was written in more than one, that graphs repeat from time to time, has anyone noticed that?

yes it's called - pattern - pattern.... that is, if some of the moves match - you may hope that future moves will also match...from this previously memorized pattern-pattern...

actually fractal said it right... no offence.... practice a little - or just read...


may someone else post predictions (drawings with a line of expected movement) for today with explanations ... like why so and not otherwise ... for interest.... а ?

Good divergence on 4H, waiting for the move to start

may someone else post predictions (drawings with a line of expected movement) for today with explanations ... like why so and not otherwise ... for interest.... а ?

The price moves in the ascending channel possible target is 1.2815. But a divergence is forming on the hour chart. Imho ...