Do you have any tactics for dealing with the loca? - page 50


You can put a stop-loss and a stop-loss within the spread, but you can't do that in "kitchens".

If your STOPLEVEL is more than 5 pips, they will not let you place a stop or a pending order.

On the contrary, in the "kitchen" it will not work, while on ECN the stop level is zero - you can insert a stopper right in the spread.


Well, loki is a common working tool


How much that sound has merged for the heart [insert to taste]!


On the contrary, in the "kitchens" it will not work, while on ECNs the stop level is zero - you can place orders right inside the spread.

Well, you can also put a stop there

not clear at all, can you explain how a stop order can be placed inside the spread?


not clear at all, can you explain how a stop order can be placed inside the spread?

With such a terrible weapon as the LOC, everything is possible

But this is not given to us


Also, in light of what Paukas wrote, explain the meaning of placing a limit order inside the spread.


not clear at all, can you explain how a stop order can be placed inside the spread?

well what is the problem? read the terms and conditions of ECN trading.

With such a scary weapon as the LOC in your arsenal, you can do anything

But that's not for us to do.

Yeah I get that already.

I wouldn't even react to this nonsense for a long time now, I just feel sorry for the newbies who will at least take the time to learn it.

Well, what's the problem?

With what?

Also, in light of what Paukas wrote, explain the meaning of placing a limit order inside the spread.

dac theoretically the price will be better