Does the Grail exist? - page 184

Mischek >>:

Какой пилят

Ты шо, идиот ?

В той которую удалили, в этой

За попытки заработать на доверчивых новичках

The page you requested was not found.

What are you making up? There are no topics.

LeoV >>

What's stopping you from trading real money? With such percentages you may start with 10 dollars - you will get 5k in a week. No 10 dollars?

You need to learn to read carefully. I repeat. Initial deposit in a normal (there is a special paragraph in the contract which specifies the conditions of scalping) OC which will give the money to withdraw - 1K euros, taking into account the drawdown probable because of the sequence of losses possible in the beginning, well, not less than 1.3 is desirable. For testing I am not throwing money, I have no free funds in such an amount now.
LeoV >>:

I think there was a thread before that which


took down...


there topikstarter's nickname was different and monitoring here the same viel

sold only 5 copies for $ 5,000

I did not want to offend anyone. I just wished them good luck and every success.

Don't forget about the title of the thread. If anyone has something interesting to show, well, at least on the demo - show it. It is interesting in real time. Reports from the tester does not count.

Mischek, just do not say that it is not interesting. For you it may not be interesting, you are a monster of real trading, apparently, and the testing is not engaged. If you say you have, well, at least systems that show good results on the demo but show it in practice, you're not able to.

artinforex >>:

Если есть у кого что показать интересное, ну хотя бы на демо, - показываем. Интересно именно в режиме реального времени. Отчеты из тестера не в счёт.

Interest can only be a tool for real earning.

I propose a wager: I make 1,000,000 on the DEMO in one day from $100. I warn you right away: this TS will not earn a cent on the real.

Betting price of $ 100. Options for you:

1. You accept the bet.

2. You do not accept and no longer post your cheat toys here.

If you accept, then before the start of transferring by 100 wmz to any of your choice forum member, registered more than 2 years ago. I put here invest-password before the start, run the machine and after a day referee sums up. Is that ok?

Guys, I can't figure out how he does it after all? It's the first time I've seen that shit!
C-4 писал(а) >>
Guys, I can't figure out how he's doing this. This is the first time I've seen this shit !

>> which one?
I mean artinforex.
C-4 >>:
Я про artinforex.

Cheating. Or trade for the lagging quotes. It works on the demo.

On the real, you will be bombarded with requotes, and even if you manage to get 10-20 dollars, they will not pay out.

Thank you. Got it.
goldtrader >>:

Читинг. Или торговля за запаздывающих котировках. Работает на демо.

На реале реквотами задолбают, а если и удастся урвать 10-20 долл, то их не выплатят.

Cut the bullshit maybe. Fucking gamer. It's one of the three types of arbitrage, the site doesn't fulfil its obligations - change. And the qua for the DC - cheating cheating, himself LOH (Face Deceived by Hooligans), so do not instill this pattern of behavior in everyone.
Ubajal >>:
Хватит ерунду молоть может. Гэймер хренов. Это один из трех видов арбитража, не выполняет площадка свои обязательсва - смена. А то ква ква за ДЦ - читинг читинг, сам ЛОХ (Лицо Обманутое Хулиганами), так не надо всем эту модель поведения внушать.

Happy Border Guard Day to you too!


goldtrader >>:

И Вас с Днём пограничника!


Missed :)