Does the Grail exist? - page 130

alexx_v >>:

ежегодно возвращал вкладчикам в среднем по 38,5 процента

Who cares how much they pay back to depositors? We're talking about their method.

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

Well, they're not fools to tell you the slippage... maybe there's nothing left. :)

From the description of their methods out there, they're doing pure pseudoscience... looking for patterns from the past into the future. :)

There's no need to look for them, they have been known for a long time. You can trade on a temperature chart. Everywhere that has a trend component works.

I'm afraid there's more - in the order of 87%.
paukas >>:

Процент ничего не значит. Надо просадку указывать.

In this case, the drawdown means nothing.

alexx_v писал(а) >>

In this case, the drawdown means nothing.

You see, if 44% is achieved with a 50% drawdown, it's an ordinary trade, like mine :)))
>> but if it's a 5% drawdown, it's a grail.
Andrei01 >>:

А кого волнует сколько они возвращают вкладчикам? Мы ж про метод ихний говорим.

You can talk about their method all you want.) But how do you know about their method?)


It was about the annuals. Watch the chain.

paukas >>:

Хоть температурный график торгуй.

Well, if you take the temperature one, it's not very good for a company like this. :)

Better by sunspots... a little bit more. :)

paukas >>:
Понимаете, если 44% достигнуты при просадке 50% - это рядовая торговля, а если при просадке 5% - это грааль.

What do I care about the rank-and-file trade or not? What do you care? If you've been getting 20% interest for 20 years on a regular basis. Enjoy your life.

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

Well, if you take the temperature one, it's not very good for a company like this. :)

Better by sunspots... a little bit more. :)

You shouldn't do that. The whole crisis is caused by sunspots.

Mathemat >>:
Боюсь, там больше - порядка 87%.

And why is that? Shake-and-dry?