Does the Grail exist? - page 128

Mathemat >>:
Эхх, во что превратилась ветка о Граале...

Sounds like a logical ending to me. Don't you think?

Though what kind of "ending" is that, more like a metamorphosis.

leman писал(а) >>

Mathematics is able to represent and model reality through symbols - that is its main purpose.

And who does it owe it to? :)
What's there to model? It already exists.
Imagine that you put a hundred rubles in the bank at 10% per annum with a monthly compounding and capitalization of interest.
Mathematics just predict how much money will be in a year, in two years, in 10. That is, in the future.

paukas >>:

А кому должна? :)
А что её моделировать? Она уже и так есть.
А вот представьте положили вы в банк сто рублей под 10% годовых с ежемесячным начислением и капитализацией процентов.
Математика как раз предскажет вам сколько будет денег через год, через два, через 10. То есть в будущем.

How much there should be.

leman писал(а) >>

How much should it be.

This is the prediction. Because the bank can break and the prediction becomes unfulfilled. so with everything else.
All sciences were invented to predict the future, among other things.
No, this is a calculation of current reality. And if nothing changes, it will continue to do so in the future.
paukas >>:

А кому должна? :)
А что её моделировать? Она уже и так есть.
А вот предтавьте положили вы в банк сто рублей под 10% годовых с ежемесячным начислением и капитализацией процентов.
Математика как раз предскажет вам сколько будет денег через год, через два, через 10. То есть в будущем.

Mm-hmm. And the speedometer will help you estimate (predict) when you will arrive at your destination. If you make it, of course... And it won't be the maths that is to blame.

Same with the bank. State guarantees? Look at Kyrgyzstan.

In short, anything and everything is likely and everything is flub.


And our cocktails are good for relaxing, eh? )))

leman писал(а) >>
No, this is a calculation of current reality. And if nothing changes, it will remain so in the future.

Look up the meaning of the word "prediction" in the nachaset dictionary.
That's exactly what it is.

paukas >>:

Загляните в словарь начсет значение слова: "предсказание"
Это именно оно и есть.

You must be referring to the forecast?

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

Our cocktails are good for relaxing, aren't they? )))

I can't finish the Grail because of your cocktails.

PapaYozh >>:

Да я из-за ваших коктейльчиков Грааль дописать не могу!

Pull the fun while you believe. :) For the Grails do not live long. :)