Does the Grail exist? - page 127

Svinozavr >>:

А то! Причем культурная - коктейли там, приличное место с заказанными столиками... Только с девушками напряженка.
And Mashki?
IgorM писал(а) >>

yep, and at 5pm the news on RTR immediately told how the terminal news was poured at 4.55pm :)

Well, the Americans washed their faces, brushed their teeth, looked up and the quotes were off the mark.
They fixed it right away.

Svinozavr I am not against indicators, but they really show nothing at all at the moment, the only thing you can see is which pairs are moving, and which pairs are mimicking a movement (scientific correction), and then the other pairs (except NZD and others) start moving, but "based on news, based on triangle patterns" and so on :)
leman >>:
А Машки?

))) Some girls, huh? Whoever found them, ....!!! No, I mean decent girls.

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

))) Some girls, huh? Whoever found them, ....!!! No, I mean decent girls.

Decent very expensive...
paukas >>:

Приличные очень дорогие...

Maybe you still think you'll be presented with a demo account at the bar? )))

Mm-hmm. "Non-alcoholic beer, rubber woman, demo account... What more do you need to face old age?"

paukas >>:

Про математику в основном.

Mathematics is able to represent and model reality through symbols - that is its main purpose.

Svinozavr >>:

Может, вы еще думаете, что вам в баре предъявят демо-счет??? )))

Угу. "Безалкогольное пиво, резиновая женщина, демо-счет... Что еще нужно, чтобы встретить старость?"

Dentures :(

Svinozavr >>:

Угу. "Безалкогольное пиво, резиновая женщина, демо-счет...

...holidays at resorts in the Krasnodar region, and a certificate for 50k for an old car!
Ehhh, what a Grail thread this has turned into...