Does the Grail exist? - page 129

leman писал(а) >>

You must be referring to the forecast?

They are synonyms.
You can forecast the weather and you can predict it. That doesn't make it more accurate.
Prognosis is simply a Latin root. It translates into Russian as "foreknowledge".

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

Pull the fun while you believe. :) For the Grails do not live long. :)

It's pseudo and pseudo-graals who don't live.
PapaYozh >>:

Да я из-за ваших коктейльчиков Грааль дописать не могу!

What Grail? What's the Grail got to do with it?! Where do you even write????????))))))))))))

Oh, yeah... it's about the Grail... pardon me...

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

What Grail? What's the Grail got to do with it?! Where do you even write????????))))))))))))

Oh, yeah... it's about the Grail... Pardon me.

Personally, I pee in the monitor.
Where else would you write to?

paukas >>:

Это синонимы.
Можно прогнозировать погоду, а можно предсказывать. От этого точность не увеличится.
Прозноз - просто латинский корень. Переводится на русский как "предзнание"

Not going to argue yet, need to go long on the pound.

Here's James Simons' Grail - a mere 44 per cent p.a.... not exactly impressive for a former mathematician. :))

"Here are just some figures from the official statistics. From late 1989 to 2006, Renaissance's original hedge fund, called Medallion (now about $5 billion), returned an average of 38.5 percent annually to depositors. And the return figures for Medallion depositors refer to the net benefit - already after Renaissance has deducted 5 percent of the initial deposit for management services and 44.percent of the return. Such percentages, it should be noted, are about double the cost of similar services provided in the market by other firms."
Andrei01 писал(а) >>
Here's James Simons' Grail - a mere 44 per cent p.a.... not exactly impressive for a former mathematician. :))

"Here are just some figures from the official statistics. From late 1989 to 2006, Renaissance's original hedge fund, called Medallion (now about $5 billion), returned an average of 38.5 percent annually to depositors. And the return figures for Medallion depositors refer to the net benefit - already after Renaissance has deducted 5 percent of the initial deposit for management services and 44.percent of the return. Such percentages, it should be noted, are about double the cost of similar services provided in the market by other firms."

Percentage doesn't mean anything. You have to specify the drawdown.

Andrei01 писал(а) >>
Here's James Simons' grail - only 44 per cent interest... not exactly impressive for a former mathematician. :))

"Here are just some figures from the official statistics. From late 1989 to 2006, Renaissance's original hedge fund, called Medallion (now about $5 billion), returned an average of 38.5 percent annually to depositors. And the return figures for Medallion depositors refer to the net benefit - already after Renaissance has already deducted 5 percent of the initial deposit for management services and 44.Percentage of profits. Such interest, it should be noted, is about double the cost of similar services provided in the market by other firms."

44% of profits, what does that have to do with annuals?

PapaYozh >>:

44% от прибыли, причем тут годовые?

returned an average of 38.5 per cent to depositors each year

paukas >>:

Процент ничего не значит. Надо просадку указывать.

Well, they're not fools to tell you the slippage... maybe there's nothing left. :)

From the description of their methods out there, they're doing pure pseudoscience... looking for patterns from the past into the future. :)