Does the Grail exist? - page 133


Grail is looking for an S-programmer nobody has? should the euro branch be more likely to collapse?

Trut >>:

Да пусть они трижды честные, у них таких денег нет, чтобы граальщика кормить. Проще его заблокировать и продолжать выполнять обязательства перед стандартными клиентами.

Здесь вопрос не честности, а реализуемости прописанных в договоре отношений.

Well, in principle, who can say at least a little honest brokerage companies or honesty in all the brokerage companies ends when the trader crosses the line of permissiveness, as part of luck and the TS? :))
SZS: Because I'm trying out a new TS for a day, I plummeted two demos, and then the Grail appeared like :))), but where to go with your Grail? :)
IgorM >>:
......а тут вроде Граааль нарисовался :)), а куда одти со своим Граалем? :)

I wouldn't recommend it if you paid $10. Put in a $100 bill, it'll look more solid and they'll buy it sooner.


IgorM >>:

ну а в принципе кто скажет есть хоть маломальские честные ДЦ или честность у всех ДЦ заканчивается, когда трейдер переходит рамки вседозволенности, в части везения и ТС? :))
ЗЫ: а то, что-то я уже который день обкатываю новую ТС, слил уже 2 демо, а тут вроде Граааль нарисовался :)), а куда одти со своим Граалем? :)

On a repeat tour, same place the branch went today. We could go to Bedlam for a change.

It's like giving a billion-dollar lottery ticket to your neighbour for a cigarette.

MetaDriver >>:

на плати.ру :) за 10$ не советую, клади за 100$, солиднее смотрится, быстрей купят.


then just like the topicstarter you should first surprise everyone with a demo account :)))))))))
well thats interesting, i think i found!!!!!!!!!
i will spend two weeks to test it, but i am not sure it will work with mql :(
From today's debate, I concluded. You don't need indicators, mathematics, formulas. You need cocktails, beer, snacks, girls mentioned and, of course, money to have it all. Other people's money does not give you peace, especially when it comes to more money. Fantasy is well developed. The word grail is treated with great distrust. Humour is applied evenly to short-term trends. There is a noticeable reduction in the number of offended people. There is no foul language.
ULAD >>:
Из сегодняшних дебатов сделал вывод. Не нужны индикаторы....

Yep! indicators don't get quotes in time, that's why it turns out that indicators are lagging :))))
and the too cool indicator starts to load the computer during the terminal livening up :), it starts humming so that no audio signals are needed - you can hear the changing noise of the coolers :))
IgorM >>:
тогда надо для солидности как топикстартер вначале на демосчете всех удивить :)))))))))
ну что интересно, я кажется нашел!!!!!!!!!
теперь буду недели две обкатывать ТС, но в части автоматизации, наверно на mql не получится :(

At least put up a graph. Just so the branch knows there's a grail, the grail is close!


MetaDriver >>:

Давай хоть график выложи штоль. Что б ветка знала - грааль есть, грааль близко!


Well, firstly, I do not even know how :) since I'm on MT4 for the 2nd week (or so the 3rd month on Marketplace :) )
For the second, pipsing goes 100%, but because I check my program, which calculates my "sort of correlation", unsuccessful market entries, and the targets in my program converge, but because I look at several currencies, sometimes I have to close the order. :)))) and what is interesting is that I lose lots of money only because of bad entries :)) - can not keep up
ZS: there is definitely a pipsqueak grail !!!!! :))))) - This grail is not connected to concrete pairs, it is connected only to the movement - if it is moving you have to use pips, the main thing is to enter in time :)))))
IgorM >>:

теперь буду недели две обкатывать ТС, но в части автоматизации, наверно на mql не получится :(

Why can't it work?