Does the Grail exist? - page 131

paukas >>:

Зря вы так. Весь кризис вызван пятнами на солнце.

But it's also possible that the stains were caused by the crisis, depending on which way you look at it. :)

alexx_v писал(а) >>

What do I care about the rank-and-file trade or not? What do you care? If you've been getting 20% interest for 20 years on a regular basis. Enjoy your life.

What do you care what I care? >> drink your beer.

So the same quote implies, Andi:
From late 1989 to 2006, Renaissance's original hedge fund, called Medallion (now about $5 billion), returned an average of 38.5 percent annually to depositors. And the return figures for Medallion depositors refer to a net benefit - already after Renaissance has deducted 5 per cent of the initial deposit for management services and 44.процентная доля от суммы прибыли Such interest, it should be noted, is about double the cost of similar services provided by other firms in the market.
83% = 38.5 + 5 + 44. I might be wrong.
paukas >>:

А вам какая разница какая мне разница? Пейте пиво.

You must have misunderstood my post. :)

Mathemat писал(а) >>
Well, the same quote implies:38.5 + 5 + 44. Could be wrong.

>> hmm... This is definitely an aggravation of sorts.
My personal understanding is that the profit between the depositor and the fund is divided in the proportion 56/44.
38.5 / 56 * 100 = 68.75% - that's the annual return on financial transactions.
P.S. Could it be that I'm having an exacerbation?
I don't know who has the aggravation, but it is no longer the 44% that Andi was talking about. The phrase underlined in the quote is double the cost of such a service, which underlines its importance in the overall profit.
P.S. Generally speaking, even 38.5% p.a. for capital of 5bn is a magnificent figure.
Mathemat писал(а) >>
P.S. Generally speaking, even 38.5% p.a. for capital of 5 billion is a magnificent figure.

>> Yes, it certainly is.


Watched the piper work. His result went from $200 to $1M in three weeks. Is it a grail? Or is it rubbish?

hiton >>:

Наблюдал как работает пипсовщик. Его результат с $200 до $1М за три недели. Это грааль ? Или мусор?

Very curious, more details, please. Be more specific.

I can't get any more specific:)
If it's not a mental glitch - then the owner of this miracle is already buying himself an island in the Caribbean:)