Literature. Neural networks. Genetic algorithms. Digital signal processing. Mathematics, analysis. Statistics. - page 9


Here's a good library. Lots of stuff on mathematics, physics, economics. Almost nothing on forex though.

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lagivan >>:
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Make sure your browser allows cookies and the execution of scripts on the page. Every day people download this file 2-3 times, no problems.
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Noise removal, Hilbert-Huang transform, em

pirical mode decomposition, geophysical signals

Remove *.zip extension from numbered Huang_E_Hilbert_Huang_Transform files, unzip by running

Hagarty. "Discrete Mathematics for Programmers". File size 4 metres.
Do you think that if a person learns all the books by heart, a person who graduated from higher education (computer science), will he be able to make a super NN?
Jingo писал(а) >>
Do you think if a person learns all the books by heart a person who graduated from higher education (computer science), can he build a super NN?

1. Depends on what purpose the NN is for.

2. Learning by heart does not mean understanding and learning to apply.

Jingo >>:
Ребят как думаете если человек все книги выучит человек наизусть человек закончивший высшее(информатика), сможет он смастерить супер NN?

NN cannot be 'super'. Anyone who knows at least a little bit of a programming language can build a grid.

A "super" can only be someone who uses NN, as well as using any tools in their arsenal.