Literature. Neural networks. Genetic algorithms. Digital signal processing. Mathematics, analysis. Statistics. - page 11

drknn >>:

Yes, something should be done in this direction. Central Library of Automated Trading Systems Programmers and Systems with AI. PATSSY CB - not bad, eh? :)

Informal Logic.

Edward De Bono's books:

- Using lateral thinking

- Six hats of thinking

- Water logic

- Teach yourself to think. A self-study guide to thinking

- Serious creative thinking

- I'm right, you're wrong

Download as a single archive from here: File size 14.9 megabytes


Prolog programming language

The kit includes:

Ivan Bratko "Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence".

Ivan Bratko "Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Prolog".

Sterling L., Shapiro E. "The Art of Prolog Programming".

W. Kloksin, K. Mellish "Prolog programming" (djvu format - file is divided into chapters)

W.Kloxin, K.Mellish "Prolog Programming" (pdf format)

Eduardo Costa "Visual Prolog for Beginners".

Visual Prolog 7.0 for Tyros by Eduardo Costa (Russian book)

А. A. A. Morozov, Yu. V. Obukhov "Actor Prolog" (in Russian)

А. Adamenko, A. Kuchukov "Logic programming and Visual Prolog".

J. Malpass. "Prolog Relational Language and its Application".

The Visual Prolog 7.2" installer is also included in the archive.

Download the archive from here: http: // Size - 90 MB


The programming languages Prolog and Lisp I posted here solely because many are interested in creating self-learning advisers, but these languages - programming artificial intelligence.

drknn >>:

Язык программирования "Пролог"

Языки программирования Пролог и Лисп я выложил здесь исключительно потому, что многие тут интересуются созданием самообучающихся советников, а эти языки - программирование искусственного интеллекта.

Thank you. I couldn't believe my eyes at first.

Literature on information encryption

AbbottTritimius - Steganography (book written in Latin)

Bruce Schneier - Applied Cryptography

Bruce Schneier - Weaknesses in Cryptographic Systems

Bruce Schneier - Secrets and lies

Gustav Selenus - The Complete Cryptography System (English book)

Tilborg - Basics of Cryptology

V.V.Yashchenko - Introduction to Cryptography

В. Zhelnikov - Cryptography from Papyrus to Computer

Gilles Brassard - Modern Cryptology

M.N.Arshinov,L.E.Sadovsky - Codes and mathematics(Tales about coding)

Н. Koblits - Course of number theory and Cryptography

Nesterenko - About the proof of simplicity of numbers

S.G.Barichev, R.E.Serov - Fundamentals of modern Cryptography

Saloma - Public key cryptography

Sapegin - Defects in cryptographic protocols

Digital steganography

Cheremushkin - Lectures on arithmetic algorithms in cryptography

In archive added 2 versions of FreeQ program, intended to perform frequency analysis of cryptograms.

Download archive from here: File size 42 megabytes


Formal, Mathematical and Other Logic

The archive includes:

This literature list has been cut up by WinRar into volumes of 50 megabytes each. Therefore to unpack it is necessary to download all parts of archive, but unpack only the first (others will be picked up automatically).

Total size of all files is 223 megabytes.

Download links:

Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -

What book would you recommend that explains classes and other OOP (C++) concepts as simply as possible?
What book can you recommend with the simplest explanation of classes and other wisdoms of OOP (C++)?

I am not well versed in this subject, but some time ago it appeared on torrent

"Object Oriented Programming" course.
Year of release: 2010
Language: Russian
Description: Video lecture course on Object-Oriented Programming + materials for laboratory work (methodical tasks and examples). Author: Alexey Malov, the teacher of the department of Informatics and System Programming of MarSTU.
The course is taught on the 2nd course in the speciality PS (Software Engineering and Automated Systems) of the Informatics and Computer Science Faculty of MarSTU.
Also available for viewing online at".

The size, however, is a tinny 41.03 GB, but there's

"there's a lectures-lowres folder in the torrent file - it contains video recordings of lectures with a lower resolution of 500 Mb (640x360 ~700kbps) especially for people with slow channels"

There are more than a dozen of links by the request "Object-Oriented Programming".

A library is great, of course, but it would be nice to highlight the most useful books. Because most of these books overlap. The authors rewrite, without bothering with each other, almost word for word. Out of ten books on the same topic, it is usually enough to scrutinise two or three of the sensible ones.