Literature. Neural networks. Genetic algorithms. Digital signal processing. Mathematics, analysis. Statistics. - page 10

lagivan >>:
Закачка не работает, после ожидания вместо файла получаешь страницу с Error. Выложите, пожалуйста, еще раз...
San_Sani4 >>:
You shouldn't have done that, the link works, I checked it earlier. Checked it just now - it works.

Are all files from letitbit asking for money?

How did you download them?

Parabellum >>:

За все файлы с letitbit просят деньги?

Как вы их скачивали?

There is a free option :

Although not the easiest way.


Silov V.B. Strategic decision-making in a fuzzy environment

The book is devoted to methods and algorithms of analysis of fuzzy-targeted, multi-criteria dynamic optimal systems. The fuzzy cognitive systems of support and making of strategic decisions for the problem areas of politics, macroeconomics, ecology, management, medicine are considered. Practical applications of the Cognitive System of Strategy Modeling in making strategic decisions in the socio-political sphere, in economics and medicine are described.
The book is intended for specialists in artificial intelligence and strategic decision-making, conflict resolution experts, ecologists, economists, political scientists, as well as graduate and undergraduate students in relevant fields.

Title:Strategic Decision Making in a Fuzzy Environment
Author:Silov V.B.
Size:7 MB.


Anderson T. "Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis"



I would like to ask everyone who posts files and links here to do so. Make sure there are no duplicates.

to drknn

I don't think there have been any such files.

to Vinin

I remember you said there is a big archive with all sorts of stuff - welcome to it.


Collection of books on Lisp + software shell

For those who don't know:

Lisp (LISP, from LISt Processing language; modern spelling: Lisp) is a family of programming languages in which programs and data are represented by systems of linear lists of symbols. Lisp is the second high-level programming language in history (after Fortran) and is still in use today. The creator of Lisp, John McCarthy, was a researcher in the field of artificial intelligence and the language he created is still one of the main tools for modelling various aspects of AI.

Lisp is a programmable programming language. This language is widely known and applied in tasks of symbolic information processing, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, expert systems, logical programming systems. - archive size - 40 megabytes

joo >>:

Убедительная просьба ко всем, размещающим здесь файлы и ссылки. Проверяйте, чтобы не было повторов.

to drknn

вроде бы таких файлов ещё не было.

to Vinin

помнится, Вы говорили, что есть большой архив со всякой всячиной - милости просим их сюда.

Was already thinking about how we should behave to avoid repetition. Going through dozens (and maybe in the future, hundreds) of pages of this forum thread and find out if such a book is already on the list or not is rather inconvenient. To simplify the task I suggest the following:

Open a website on a free host. For example, on the same people. There will be a list of books already uploaded and a built-in search engine for the site.

Here, in this branch of the forum write username and password access to edit this site and give a link to this site. Or better yet, assign a coordinator, such as the person who started this thread - let the passwords be stored by him. Anyone who wants to add books to this branch will get the passwords from the coordinator.

What is this for?

Anyone who wants to add some literature here, go to the free site and see a list of books that are already there. Than to search tens/hundreds of pages of forum thread, much easier to open that site, click in your browser Ctrl + F, type in an author or a title and look autopilot, if his book is in the lists.

If there are no such books in the list, he uploads them to the same file-sharing site, posts them in this forum thread and with the help of passwords obtained from the coordinator adds his books to the appropriate sections of the list of books on our site, which is hosted on royalty-free host.

Since this is a forum for programmers, I think you will be able to understand something about html, all the more, you will need to know only a couple of tags to add your book.

Since the literature posted here is serious, the chance of running into a schmuck is low.

I think that if people agree with my suggestion, it would be necessary to introduce one rule: Whoever is the last to add his book/books to this forum thread and, consequently, to edit html documents of the site on the free host, makes a backup copy of these documents and keeps them in his computer for some time in case a hooligan appears who wants to harm us. Or option 2 - along with a link to the added books, the person gives another link saying that the modified backup of free host files is here (and indicates where you can download it).

Thus we will be protected from hooligans' treachery and from accidental repetitions of literature.

As a last resort, you can always change your current password to a more complex one, and get it by contacting the coordinator in the PM.

That the casual visitor who got on the free host, could still download the book, for which he came, on every page of the free site to do something like a header, they say, books that are in these lists are here - and we put that link to this branch of the forum.

So, do we do it? After all, the result would be a self-replenishing library. By the way, that site on the people can thus increase its clickability and reach the first places of search engines. That means that sooner or later an advertiser will come along and offer money. This will allow us to move to a paid host and build up our library collection. ;)