NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 38


But as soon as you think "is this war mine or not", the obsession is over - consciousness expands to a safe level.

+1 +2 +3

But as soon as you think "is this war mine or not", the obsession is over - consciousness expands to a safe level.

+1 +2 +3
Just beautiful ! What a profound thought ! Where else to put it. ...
Indeed - "The cuckoo praises the cock for praising the cuckoo" (Grandpa Krylov).

And most importantly - everyone is delighted ...

By the way - an example from real life - I have a friend, a childhood friend, so he had a problem. Maybe you've heard - in Ukraine there was a wave of withdrawal of driving licenses (such innovation). And he worked as a delivery driver and got into trouble three weeks ago. The license was taken away - he was fired from work. But he - about a year (in his spare time) "played" on a demo account and the skill of placing orders - he had.So he immediately came to me. I showed him my method(which you have wiped his feet here (in this branch), he sat on the demo for a week, and a week ago opened an account for one thousand dollars, and after a week (we met with him on January 19 (two days ago) on his account 2140 quid.He just has no time to "talk" - he grew up with his grandmother (there are no parents), and now he has no job and his wife is pregnant.

I think (and his driving licence was taken away for six months) he won't go back to work, and he'll just buy himself a car in the summer and get his driving licence back.

Well, I can't keep quiet! What kind of people are these? Why would they do that? Reminds me of a course at the Forex Club - "How Baba Nyura lowered the dollar..."

Just like Lenya Golubkov.

By the way, your other stories are of the same type. For example, about the city prosecutor and the head of the Department of Internal Affairs - they're from the same gang, they go to the baths together and eat vodka...
How could the head of the city police department not recognize the city attorney's car?

I'm very disappointed in you ....
Dear ballistika, I have one last question for you - what the fuck... are you doing here? You have long ago threatened to leave here and do "business", so why don't you leave? Or do you take pleasure in talking about the uselessness of the topic, the stupidity of the author and all those present, who do not do what they have to do. Unfortunately, you still don't get the point of this thread.

The first time I learned about trading was ...ny years ago from the film Invisible Man, where the hero is skiing in the final shots.

The second time from a newspaper - it said it needed English, but it was not explained that just buy/sell with the numbers clearly articulate.

The third time - started with MT-4 i.e. very late.

Special thanks for your forum thread about adaptive digital filters,

I was about to start digging and recalling, searching for old Fortran packages and dusting Forsythe and Tikhonov, but thanks to you I succeeded.

How much did it cost?
Dear ballistika, I have one last question for you - what the fuck... are you doing here then?

Actually, I, as an amateur psychologist :-), understand the answer to that question. I also understand why all these principled opponents of this topic prefer to post their "precepts" here, pouring out their negative thoughts abundantly, instead of opening a specific topic, as those who really care about their own business do. In my opinion, these are precisely the kind of posts that provide rich material for the psychologist. But the other thing that is not clear is this.

How narrow-minded do you have to be to jump into someone else's conversation with nothing to do with the substance of the discussion, just to badmouth everyone present, everything they say, and the whole topic at the same time? All right there is intelligence, philosophy, culture ... But no, there's not even a basic concept of civility left...

Let's say in the workplace, during working hours, at the machine... But here, in the park, in nature, over a bottle of beer? run over civilians and shout "That's enough, get lost"? The only thing left to do is to yell "I'll call the cops" ? :-))

Ballistika, you have ...a dozen times you have left the thread and the forum. But then every time you come back quietly just to shout out your next "not too fat" post at the right time. What bothers you? What draws you here? Not in this thread, of course, but everywhere else you follow this bunch of chatterboxes (as you so sweetly put it). Are you the "unwilling (or - unable) to control yourself (your emotions and sobriety of mind) in moments of serious decision-making" ? Are you "unwilling" or "unable"?

Maybe you think that real life is when you sit staring at a computer screen and clutching your mouse? Or that the dollars you make (or lose) at that moment are the big (great?) deal worth dedicating your life to? Even if it is, it is only your choice. And you don't really know if it is true or false. Time will pass and you will know it, while you should not try to impose it on others, it is not good.


...Do you think that real life is when you sit staring at a monitor screen and clutching your mouse? Or that the dollars you make (or lose) at that moment are the big (great?) thing worth dedicating your life to? Even if it is, it is only your choice. And you don't really know if it is true or false. Time will pass and you will find out, but in the meantime, don't try to impose it on others like that, it's not good.

Left as usual - by rattling the door (deleting the posts).
It would have been a shame if they had contained anything other than food for "amateur psychologists" .
It seems that deleting posts is becoming a tradition. And then people can't understand what the conversation was about. That doesn't seem right. I'll try to at least partially correct it...

2 Prival, could you elaborate?

I prepared myself carefully for the first session on the market. As it seems now - by using Natural Intelligence I exceeded my yearly rate of money and fell under the influence of the Alignment Force (about CB - in my first post).

But because we're old-school people, I naturally did not stop, and my insistence was met with an equalizing situation - you walk into the market and it's like a boot in the face.

In response to such a pugnacious market I got into maths, supposedly to save trading for myself.

I saved it for a long time. There's also a funny story here. MQL4 at that time did not allow arrays in indicators. -We said to Ivan Nikiforovich, our enemies don't allow to apply mathematics and they are getting rich!!!".

But after reading the subject of digital indicators, I felt, not ashamed to say, recovery, I realized that infinite mathematics is digging a foundation pit from the novel of the same name.

However... it all seems to be postponing the problem until tomorrow. I'll write a new indicator, and then... I'll leave my Expert Advisor in the market instead and not depend on my own nerves -))).

The reason for this search for wunder waffe for trading is simple:.

The trader is not aware of the Alignment Force, respectively, exceeds the rate of money(!), and blindly gets the opposite - what the Alignment Force "thinks" of him, i.e. losses.

If the Equalization Force prevents it, there is a long negative consequence, the trader is as boiled as if he can't work, as if he has no nerves.

(Let's call this CB-pressurized state).

Hence, the CB-pressured state is mediated by a deceptive desire to have an Expert Advisor instead of himself. It is interesting that even those who are zero in arithmetic are suffering from the desire to have a robot. One more sign of ST-suppression - a trader seems to be hypnotized by indicators. He looks and looks and loses the overall picture. This is the reason for the public request for the indicator that supposedly knows everything.

If one gives in to these imaginary morbid mathematical desires (no offense to mathematics), and in reality a CB-pressured state - one can get out of traders altogether.

The power of alignment manifests itself through the psyche and is perceived as an internal adversary.

(So as not to confuse the mysticism, we can think of the Power of Alignment as the Dialectic of the market.)

(Do I have to apologise for the length of the post or not? What I am writing has been tested on several trainees, statistics have been taken from dozens of traders).