NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 42

Regarding the force of alignment.
I agree that it is there, but I do not agree that it is out there.
As far as I am concerned, it is an internal barrier, a person's personal boundaries, and only he or she can expand them or, on the contrary, narrow them.

I have observed this power in my own experience.
I wanted to earn money. I poked around, looked for it. Each time I hit a ceiling, I could not go further, I was driven away.
Then I raised this "bar" a little bit (by force, intentionally), earned $50 more. Then more and more.

But there was still a sense of limitation, a boundary.

I have heard many times that a person earns exactly as much as he or she needs. But accepting that "I need" so little was difficult.
And then I "agreed". By not setting a goal of "earning n $ more", I stopped putting a limit on myself.

I'm now fully accepting that I'm not earning a lot or a little, but exactly as much as I need (me). And if a transfer to a more popular currency ($) results in not enough, I wonder if I am overextended. If I don't need the money, then I don't want to spend it. Then I have stopped.
At such moments I give myself a kick, very helpful ;)

PS: Korey, Andrew - that's me =)

In a figurative sense, it is very similar to the Army. education, rank, position, seniority, tours of duty, political maturity, personnel file. )) Also, if a certain civilian is promoted to academician in science it is automatically a general. Why is money worse than bombs. Same responsibility, what if he does something wrong :-))).

There is no caste, but there is caste.

There are quick ways to achieve status, but it is for spiritual money.

Korey, a very curious scale of safe profit levels, completely inconsistent with the random walk hypothesis ("m.o. the deviation from the mean, i.e. zero profitability, is proportional to the root of time"): the annual figures are very close to the monthly ones - even for a seventh-stage trader, although according to this hypothesis they should be about 3.5 times larger.

By the way, the trader's status in itself does not work for him, the status is a kind of safety bar, again like in the army so that the soldier does not go to the officer's canteen, and does not take weapons without a command, does not try to command without permission.))

The phenomenon of safe levels can only be explained psychologically, but to me a purely psychological understanding is abhorred by incompleteness.


to komposter

The inner barrier can be removed by reading literature. Let's say 20 books a year with your mind, with your soul.


The inner barrier can be removed by reading literature. Say 20 books a year with your mind, with your soul.

Is it that easy? We take, read, and become enlightened? ;)
I agree, literature helps. But it's not the only (and not the main) direction to go in.
A story comes to mind. The husband of an acquaintance invested very seriously in Forex. Judging by my rough estimate, tens of thousands of dollars. But in six months of trading, he managed to make a house on Rublevka (!) and so on. Clearly exceeded the limit even for a Level 7 trader. But six months later he quits the market, and now he's not trading. In other words, he sort of got what he needed and ran away. Brave Rabbit strategy: put a carrot in your mouth and get the fuck out of the field.

2 komposter: you have to read serious books here, brother. One "Zarathustra" by Nietzsche is enough. Comics obviously won't do.
A story comes to mind. The husband of an acquaintance invested very seriously in Forex. But in six months of trading he had managed to make a house on Rublyovka (!) and so on. But six months later he leaves the market and he is not trading now. In other words, he sort of got what he had and ran away. Brave Rabbit strategy: put a carrot in your mouth and get the fuck out of the field.

2 komposter: you gotta read a serious book here, bro. Comics ain't gonna cut it.
Mathematician, you too. Found a guru. Everything Korey says is banal. He wraps that banality in a peculiar wrap of unusual

turns of phrase and unexpected quotations that are often simply inappropriate.
2 komposter: you have to read some serious books here, brother. Nietzsche's Zarathustra is enough. Comics obviously won't do the trick.
"You can read Zarathustra all your life. And it's not a "eat with your mind and open with your soul" kind of thing.
But it's also one of the philosophies.

I don't think it's a matter of quantity. One book may be enough for someone, and he or she will understand (feel, see, realize) "how" and "what".
And someone - for example Nepalese children - can't read at all (they have paid education, every next child is more expensive, they limit birth rate). But have you seen their eyes? Any questions still left? ;)
The scale of safe profit levels is very curious, which does not correspond to the random walk hypothesis at all ("m.o. deviation from average, i.e. zero profitability, is proportional to the square root of time"): annual figures are very close to monthly ones - even for a seventh-step trader, although according to this hypothesis they should be about 3.5 times bigger.

If we disregard the manifestation of superstructural regulatory systems (such as CB) and dispense with Religion, but use the religious principle of "Look for the cause within yourself", the quadratic time dependence in levels of safety can be explained by the Concept of Brain Layers. In this concept, the Brain matures in neural layers like an onion. New knowledge/skills are processed by the upper young layers. The lower layers of the brain get involved as the training volume is gained. That is, the immature trader has only the top layer of the brain at work and therefore the dependence is close to linear. A mature trader processes information in N layers of the brain and has more safety. Interaction between neuron layers is characterized by dependence close to the square root of the time factor.