NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 16


This whole conversation surprises me. Our whole life is built on faith (even science is based on it). They created a series of Lemmas, which are accepted without proof (means on faith) and built everything else on them. And if the foundation (these Lemmas) is not true, then the science is not true either.

There is fanaticism, but for some reason it always refers to belief (but a science too the belief) and to fanatics it is useless to prove something. Although one could give examples from his own life (but it will be words for someone again).

So there are different faiths, including science.

The bottom line is that everyone talks about faith, it's just that some can't hear about the other (fanatics), others can.

In my view the case is somewhat different. A lemma is an obviousness that does not require proof. A hypothesis is made on the basis of a belief, but the hypothesis must be tested and proven or disproved.

If something is accepted without proof, it is not self-evident. And not every hypothesis can be proved or disproved. How then? Although I didn't want to interfere in this conversation, it's useless.

All our geometry stands on the Greeks, but we don't observe these ideal objects around us (unless, of course, we make them ourselves). But to say that geometry is an "ideal" discipline is not either. OK, I don't see the point of this debate, apologies for cutting in.

Yes, I'm a fan of these themes too. Let it be as it is.
Good afternoon to all ... I will try to put my five kopecks in this topic.

Here is an example from my own life.
At school, in 9-th class in far 1992 I had an opportunity to behold a series of three dreams in which I was represented by the employee of an urgent military service...
At that time I didn't pay any attention to this event, because it was out of the question.
to the Polytechnic. But life is a strange thing, after nearly two years, missed one point at admission was forced to enter the correspondence course, while receiving deferment for one year from the army. And here is the horror, three days before the exams the next summer they came and took me with the cops to the army, ignoring all the deferments and the illegality of these actions.
I could legally run away and sue them for arbitrariness ...but I chose the option of just serve. At the same time I have told my friend with whom I served all three of my dreams about the army (which I could remember) and they completely came true and it could not be just my imagination or de-javu effects, because there was a witness who received a description of dreams.
There was another incident: once driving a car (on a completely familiar and safe road) I suddenly realized how frantic my heart started to beat and there was a strange sense of fear and anxiety... There were no causes... after five minutes I had an accident (twisted on the ice) at this point (under a bridge that reduced visibility) there was a water main break and only there was a section of road that could lead to such consequences... Again, the weirdness?!
And now for the forex...
At the beginning of August 2006 I had a dream in which I imagined that the pound rises against the dollar to extraordinary heights, the charts represented just a spike upwards without any details (except that the dream explained the reason for the rise - buying from Asia). I told it to my friend (do you remember my friend whom I joined the army, served together for 2 years and we continued to communicate when "civilian"), but the pound lost heavily and for two and a half months was just on the verge of reversing the trend. And now we know how it turned out... I can't explain what it all means,
but perhaps it's not as simple as we think it is...

Oops, couldn't help but notice what you are saying, as I am somewhat involved in this issue:)

Dreams are manifestations of work of subconsciousness, while consciousness may sleep, you can explain it as you like, but it is easier to say that two halves of brain work at different times, while you can achieve parallel work by simple lack of sleep, but loss of dreams. To predict the reality of events is not as difficult as it seems, it requires only a desire, a couple of this desire is contrary to the reality of consciousness, and sometimes the opposite, in any case, it often manifests itself in very different forms, such as yours.

For example, I can find ways and solutions to tasks set by my consciousness, without the consciousness itself working on the matter, just by setting a goal, sometimes creating a problem that just needs to be solved and switching to solving a more pressing issue. Besides, I am able to predict many important events in my life and know the exact boundary between eventuality and anticipated consequence, probably due to finding a common ground with subconsciousness.

Similarly, one can say that you implement that part of your capabilities, of which you know little, but guess and probably rely on. But note that your subconscious mind may very rarely show itself in this perspective, as adjusted for the implementation of critical or important situations, your life can tell about it. Try for a month to get about 10 hours of sleep in two or three days and maybe you will achieve interaction, this is as an example, for the realization of possibilities:)

Also, remember that the concentration of your thought processes, should literally be focused on the goal, bypassing any possible side events in your life. Naturally, you can't live your life at this pace for long, so it won't last. Analyze your life, maybe you will find analogues of similar decisions and methods by which they have been achieved:) I can say that if there is efektivnost of predictions, expressed in results, then there is an opportunity to concentrate this energy.

Consciousness and subconsciousness can not always interact with high accuracy, because it depends on the development of short- and long-term memory and methods of transferring data, concentration ensures the use of long-term memory, which is precisely what is needed for correct data processing.


to SK.

Very good, and just great, that you provided this link.

Here is the conclusion of this article.

"The criterion for objective and subjective existence is practice, in particular the number of independent modes of observation, i.e. there are only scientific criteria for existence, and there are no scientific criteria for non-existence, so claims of non-existence are not scientific."

No need to provoke me into being rude. You're welcome.

In this case you have got your finger in the sky. The author of this article for the first time in human history presented a classification of forms of consciousness, showed a diagram of states and transitions of human consciousness in evolution, put forward a hypothesis about the emergent basis of any properties of reality, defined the criteria of reality and the principle of equivalence of virtual and true reality.

And you want to refer to it, defending a materialistic position... At least read ...


Don't you know and see that religion is the most profitable commercial enterprise in the history of the earth. You downplay the importance of NRIs, special services (unbiased opinion). And don't you see that the same Scientology is a "special service" with all its trappings? That auditing, is a great way to gather intelligence ? That almost any religion demands money from its followers (in various forms and under various pretexts) ?

You return to me my own questions which you cannot answer by making vague statements about good and evil, about looking not at the scales but at the fog in between. Already a few pages ago I asked you a question about the murder of a child. And what was anyone's answer?

Yes, secret service, yes, a great way to gather information, because in the Church of Scientology an auditor session with a preclear has to be recorded and then handed over to a special department. And people tell such things during sessions (I was an auditor myself, I know) ... And then there's the Ethics Department, which also sends people for auditing (ethical auditing), during which the person has to tell the nasty things they've done. And all those nasty things are also written down, and the person knows it very well. And he knows that if he does not agree to the session, he will be deprived of a part of Eternity or the moment of its attainment will be delayed. That is the way of spiritual self-knowledge, it is a hard way, one cannot do without the whip...

It is an organisation in which all sorts of kinks are inevitable, regardless of the most ingenious technology that can be made to serve any desired purpose.

Nevertheless, there are people who, by fighting their way through all the barriersof the organization, receive the fruits of technology, for which - precisely for that! - (Tom Cruise, John Travolta, a very famous example: both are Scientologists who have reached the heights). The technology is exceptionally powerful, I have no doubts about it; I'm not going to show proof.

About the money, I have no proof, Prival, but it seems that at some high level the clients themselves are giving the money away, giving in to some justifiable technological necessity.

Well, as for killing the kid... I don't have any theories. The question is too complicated to answer in a forum, and there are not enough prerequisites.

P.S. That is what passions of New Year's Eve idleness lead to...

This whole conversation surprises me. Our whole life is built on faith (even science is based on it). They create a series of Lemmas, which are accepted without proof (means on faith) and build everything else on them. And if the foundation (these Lemmas) is not true, then the science is not true either.

In my view the case is somewhat different. A lemma is an obviousness that does not require proof. A belief is a hypothesis, but the hypothesis must be tested and proven or disproved.

Vinin has expressed a very sensible idea, but it is not about lemmas, but about axioms. It is an axiom that does not require proof, but not because of its obviousness, but because it cannot be proved, there is no means or grounds for it. And so the axiom is taken as a given. So I also join with what Vinin says about obviousness.

And in general, when a cognitive subject says about the statements on which he bases his knowledge: "it is obvious", that's it - he is screwed. At that point he ceases to be a cognizer and turns into a dogmatist.


An example from my own life.

Wasn't that you on TV recently? The same case of the draft
was on .
No... although I haven't seen the programme.
Good afternoon everyone...I'll try to put my five cents in on this topic.

Oops, couldn't help but pay attention to your remarks, as I deal with this issue to some extent:)


Thank you for your attention, if there is an opportunity for more detailed explanation of the possibilities to expand consciousness, then help, even if the result is not particularly successful, at least for self-education ... Communicate here or other convenient way for you.

to SK.

I think it is you who have just hit the bull's-eye. I have read it carefully, or do you think that by giving the conclusions of this article (which its author came to), I have not seen it (the article) in the eyes? Check if you have not read it, it is a letter-by-letter summary of his conclusions. It's just that for 1000 years now, idealists have been using just that. They put forward hypotheses that can neither be confirmed nor disproved. And they use the knowledge that the materialists have reached (obtained) for this purpose. Or am I wrong again, give me examples. Which of the spiritual leaders created the spaceship, who developed the theory of quanta, the heavier-than-air apparatus, etc., that they DID, rather than pouring from nothing into nothing.

The only thing idealists know how to do is to kick scientists with knowledge that those scientists have produced. And scientists change to prove it, here is an extract from an article I quoted.(

"Physicists have long ago and somehow imperceptibly moved away from positivism, replacing the rigid formulation "fair what is confirmed by experiment" with the flexible thesis "fair what is not contradicted by experiment". They also discarded a number of immutable laws of Aristotelian logic as unnecessary rubbish. When the logic of the researchers led physicists to the conclusion that quarks are in turn composed of quarks, they quietly accepted this conclusion, although there was a contradiction with the postulate that "the larger part exceeds the smaller part". They went even further, throwing philosophical shackles aside. Following the logic of research, physicists came to the conclusion that quarks can never be obtained in the form of free particles (it should take an infinite energy), but the charm of the concept of quarks was so great, the beauty of the resulting systematics of elementary particles so perfect that they did not hesitate to accept this conclusion. And the physicists were not at all embarrassed by the fact, that by accepting such a conception they in fact accepted Kant's "noumen", i.e. "thing in itself", which can never be confirmed experimentally, but at the same time it may never be contradicted by the experiment. They also turned a blind eye to a formal violation of the well-known physical theorem that imposes a taboo on the existence of "hidden parameters" (theorems are theorems because they cannot be violated). So, breaking with classical positivism, physicists have achieved impressive results in the theory of elementary particles. Once again, once again, heresy has led to a breakthrough in understanding the structure of the World."

But the idealists don't change, they keep saying the same thing for 1000 years, only in another more "refined" way. And where are your 1000 years of research, what have they given to humanity?

It's just a pity that such intelligent, literate and educated people are still buying into this bait. After all, how many times we have been over this. Even quite recently it was. "Philosophy is the science of all sciences." Now they're a little bit calmer, they admit it's not a science, it's a field of knowledge. I think the next step is to admit that there's no knowledge there. Only hypotheses and pointless arguments. And knowledge for these arguments are produced by other scientists kicked by them on any occasion.

But again and again it comes out as a hydra (idealism), cut off its head in the form of "White Barchy", "Aum Shinrikyo","Jogoda Witnesses", etc., but it reappears in another form, under another name. Here read what other researchers say, no not materialists, but just idealists(

to Mathemat

Look up "Scientology" on wikipedia, there's a criticism paragraph, and it talks about money there. And I think you should be glad that not all of their technologies work for you. And I have no doubts that these technologies are very powerful. But I do not like the objectives of this organization, although they say beautiful words and their actions tell a different story. I have known for a long time that man is weak, easily suggestible and is susceptible to hypnosis. That is why very long time ago I took only one technique that prevents them from influencing me in any way.

P.S. SK. You are wrong to think that I am provoking you to be rude. I am provoking you to share knowledge. And believe me, I am very respectful, because I want to save an intelligent, literate person who is good for others. Provocation" simply worked and continues to work, if a person has knowledge.(Renat and Rosh know this. If you doubt it, I can give you a link where I used it to extract knowledge (information I need) from them. But it only does not work if there is no knowledge, and there are just words behind it. Do you want me to give you a formula, the solution of which will allow you to predict with an accuracy of 1 point what the exchange rate will be tomorrow. After all, already here there are followers and they say that everything is simple.

xnsnet "For example I can find ways and solutions to tasks set by my mind, without my mind working on the issue itself, just by setting a goal, a couple creating a problem for myself that just needs to be solved..."

xnsnet goal is great, predicting currency rates, you've already spent a lot of time on this. The rewards are beyond imagination, all the riches of the world are at your feet. Especially for you it is so simple. The formula is from the theory of flows, the random process of exchange rates formation is one of the special cases of the formula. The formula is derived only from the assumption that two events cannot occur simultaneously (the Bank of England cannot increase the rate and decrease it at the same time). This formula is a superposition of Poisson flow and Bernoulli partial flows.

xnsnet what to post the formula ?

P.P.S. Unfortunately the man is so arranged that having heard 1, 2, 3 times ... the same thing starts to believe in it. This is a type of hypnosis. And it is very bad when he sees how scientists, competent and seemingly sophisticated people believe it. He starts believing it even faster.

Prival, one question: how does one live with such a worldview?

After reading the last post (the previous ones weren't so harsh after all), I have the urge to hang myself.

Why should I live? For the sake of knowledge? For development? So that there would be something to bury in the grave?
Or "to protect the family" (tanks, an attack, all that...)? So that they continue to protect their family until they too pass away?

What is the point? How can science answer that question?

I agree with almost everyone on this thread. Not believing them, but agreeing with them.
Apart from you, there's not much faith to go on here...