NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 35

Yeah, I don't care if you're a nerd or whatever. There are a lot of labels... And life passes...
"And years pass - all the best years..."


Gentlemen, I'm not getting it right again, I think I'm making a habit of slowing down :(.

True, as always - I'm on the edge of the topic, but... Is it really about INTELLECTUAL? well, then about a very un-STUDY. and how to throw a poem in the active window, I've slept through the latest innovations again? Goat piece, I guess we do have New Year's Eve, Christmas, baskets of Olivier for the holiday face... a bit of a moment... ...a little too much... I should go splash some cold water. Or... I've got another...

Angela, maybe it's time to take the chevron out of the dive. If you want, write clearly - what are you trading by, how do you define waves and their proportions (even if strictly by eye), on what pairs, on what TF, give drawings with your entries and exits (you know how to attach positions to trade), show - at what time do you put the pending orders, ..... etc. etc. I don't think your TS is so gold-bottom that it has to be marked "very seeeeecret". So you see, people out of curiosity something to add, write, offer (see - even Rosh ostichel walker), in short - will stretch. Unless, of course, Comrade Goodsman you finally satisfied.

If you do start to tell - do not worry and do not pay attention, will get up and more than once. It's here and not just here easily. And do not overwrite posts, if the topic is described in sufficient detail even if not sufficiently clearly, if the explanatory charts - it is quite possible there will be like-minded people, new suggestions, etc. That would be good.

No, I'd better get on with it. You can't leave for tomorrow what you can eat today... Same to you, gentlemen.


"He who walks in a swamp has no time to look up to Heaven" (said an old trader).

I will, however, share my observations about the Power of Alignment...

Observation #1.

Trader's profit "mystically" depends on his personal social status achieved or assigned to him by someone. That is, profits depend on the trader's status in relation to earthly money.

Explanation a) - "Turtles" received some right from successful traders, which was subsequently exercised. Whoever shared their status with the Turtles was responsible for them, and subsequently went bankrupt.

Explanation b) If the trader has a circle of communication at the level of the generals (and to be a general is happiness), the happiness of communication with the general affects the amount of real profit of the trader.

Explanation c) Those who are assigned as beggars can become rich, but not for a long time.

Exercise: detect correlation between the social status of a person and the size and consistency of his/her profit in the exchange market, according to the group of traders he/she knows.

Observation #2.

Each trader has limitations of profit. Let's call these restrictions "equalizing restrictions". (it is possible to reveal the nature of these limitations, but first of all, we need to get acquainted directly with the phenomenon).

If the profit made by a trader is more than "allowed", further work will result in losses.

Corresponding to the limits, there is a maximum percentage of profit per trading period: leveling limit per day, per week, per month, per year.

Exercise a): Analyze your own trades and find by trading periods the profit levels, beyond which continuation of trading is dangerous.

Exercise b) analyze trades of others and find globally permissible levels.

Observation #3.

The trader hired by the investor is in the investor's global constraints.

This explains the seemingly illogical search for investors by trained traders. That is, a low-status trader seeks to manage an account from a high-status proprietor.

Observation #4.

In addition to global profit limitations, there are also limitations of the trader's reference environment, and let's call them so: reference leveling limitations.

Observation #5

No global limits on trader's losses have been found by observation :- ))

"He who walks in a swamp has no time to look up to Heaven" (said an old trader).

I will, however, share my observations about the Power of Alignment...

Observation #1.

Trader's profit "mystically" depends on his personal social status achieved or assigned to him by someone. That is, profits depend on the trader's status in relation to earthly money.

Explanation a) - "Turtles" received some right from successful traders, which was subsequently exercised. Whoever shared their status with the Turtles was responsible for them, and subsequently went bankrupt.

Explanation b) If the trader has a circle of communication at the level of the generals (and to be a general is happiness), the happiness of communication with the general affects the amount of real profit of the trader.

Explanation c) Those who are assigned as beggars can become rich, but not for a long time.

Exercise: detect correlation between the social status of a person and the size and consistency of his/her profit in the exchange market, according to the group of traders he/she knows.

Observation #2.

Each trader has limitations of profit. Let's call these restrictions "equalizing restrictions". (it is possible to reveal the nature of these limitations, but first of all, we need to get acquainted directly with the phenomenon).

If the profit made by a trader is more than "allowed", further work will result in losses.

Corresponding to the limits, there is a maximum percentage of profit per trading period: leveling limit per day, per week, per month, per year.

Exercise a): Analyze your own trades and find by trading periods the profit levels, beyond which continuation of trading is dangerous.

Exercise b) analyze trades of others and find globally permissible levels.

Observation #3.

The trader hired by the investor is in the investor's global constraints.

This explains the seemingly illogical search for investors by trained traders. That is, a low-status trader seeks to manage an account from a high-status proprietor.

Observation #4.

In addition to global profit limitations, there are also limitations of the trader's reference environment, and let's call them so: reference leveling limitations.

Observation #5.

No global limits on trader's losses observed :- ))

Great! Wow, that's great!

Conclusion 1: There are very few people who are able to listen to this, much less think in this direction, let alone give clear and distinct recommendations.

Corollary 1: And what is the manner of always dressing up in rags? :))

SK. писал (а):

That's great! Wow, that's great!

Corollary 1: Very few people are capable of even listening to this, let alone thinking along these lines, much less giving clear and concise recommendations.

Corollary 1: And what is the manner of always dressing up in trench coats? :))

A gibberish language. Like Kant's. You can say it plain and simple, but no, we are drawn to twist it in a more convoluted way....
A gibberish language. Like Kant's. You can say it plain and simple, but no, we are drawn to twist it in a more convoluted way....
How old are you, my dear?
A gibberish language. Like Kant's. You can say it plain and simple, but no, we're just tempted to get a little more convoluted....
How old are you, my dear?

He's older than me. That's for sure.
A gibberish language. Like Kant's. You can say it plain and simple, but no, we're just tempted to get a little more convoluted....
How old are you, my dear?
56 years old. And your condescending tone, what is the reason for that?
Sart писал (а):
It's gibberish. Like Kant's. You can say it clearly and simply, but no, we're just drawn to make it more convoluted....

Sometimes everybody has a right to express himself not "properly" but as his soul demands (the cat Behemoth at the Satan's ball, put on a tie, powdered his moustache and said "Everybody adorns himself as he can":). Chekhov's "Simplicity is worse than theft" also partly exonerates us.

And there's nothing to understand here at all. Translation.

I found the message of the esteemed Mr. Korey very interesting and it pleased me. For several reasons. For example, the person clearly expressed his thoughts, because he obviously understands what he is talking about. I liked the lightness of his writing - you can feel that he is doing well with the vocabulary and with the vocabulary, and it is out of question (and Okudzhava's "glittering epaulettes" flashed in my head). I liked the light irony of his message and ... In a word, you can tell a bird by its flight:)

My soul began to sing and I remembered "... everything in plastique, even the shirts. Tired of living in sketch. There'll be no you and me in the future, but a church...". And then I thought, "That's the way it should be. Well, it's not like we're talking profits and points mixed in with magicians here.

So I switched to gibberish.) Sorry, if there's anything... ("Well, they can't, Vasily Ivanovich, they can't...")

Now, please don't quarrel, I beg you very much. Especially since there's no reason. Well, sometimes a kid will come in, say "what the hell" and go on his way... But us, amongst ourselves, let's not. OK?