NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 36

SK. писал (а):
Now, please don't quarrel, I beg you very much. Especially since there's no reason. Well, sometimes a kid will come in, say "what the hell" and go on his way... But us, amongst ourselves, let's not. OK?
Sergei, I have a feeling that my subject has long since moved on to "whatnot"...
Sergei, I have a feeling that my subject has long since moved on to "whatnot"...

You don't know how. Albanian is no joke. To speak in pure Albanian, you should always refer to the source:)
SK. писал (а):
Sergei, I have a feeling that my subject has long since moved on to "kakueni"...

You don't know how. Albanian is no joke. To speak in pure Albanian, you should always refer to the source :)
And a dictionary really needs to be started...
Sart: A gibberish language. Like Kant's. You can say it plain and simple, but no, we are drawn to twist it in a more convoluted way....
Eh, Sart, you should read Nietzsche (I suspect you have). What a great exercise for the brain, you can't think of anything better: you have read a sentence and, realizing the context, you decode it into 2-3 more sentences ...

P.S. And he writes so clearly and simply - you can't make it any clearer than that: for example, "Push the falling one!

In terms of gibberish, it's best to read Marquez's The Autumn of the Patriarch, with sentences without dots and commas for a page and a half...


I won't number the Observations, but I will say:

for trading, gibberish thinking is far more effective than strictly logical thinking.

Many set-up kits of advertising "winning" strategies work the other way around (intraday).

Literally: justify the entry point logically backwards, you'll get rich...if you can withstand the internal resistance of the middle and academic education fused into you.

Poems, unlike poems, are written with a mooch,

so how is trading any worse!?

In poetry, mooing comes in the form of a pre-step from feelings not yet expressed.

This mooing is the essence, the model in the adaptive digital filter to filter out rhythm and accents.

Learning to mooch price charts is the challenge!)

You can also start with gibberish, having had enough of the multifactorial layers of the object being abstracted.

Korey, where have you been before?!

2 Mathemat.

By the way, this supposedly simple "Falling-push" is more complex for our brains, giving, so to speak, a greater thought product, and providing more CNS employment, than a set of long instructions like "Help a Falling Man, Section 1", "....Section 2", etc.