The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 51

Lazar Buga:

My frankness makes you sad, my naivety makes you laugh. Let us step away from our feelings and allow only our minds to act.

You don't seem to have any sense if you're trusting and putting unreasonable numbers at the top of your stats..... he who has more muscles is stronger, he who has a bigger head is smarter? - in the first case, there is often no strength, only visibility, and in the second case, waterboarding.
A backward country cannot build the most modern and safe nuclear power plants abroad and be a leader in the use of space. A backward country cannot produce state-of-the-art armaments for which foreign buyers are lining up. This "backward country" can fight back against any aggressor and is one of the few countries that can pursue independent policies.

What remains to be understood is why our government + Central Bank are pouring all the money left over from oil into the enemy's economy, i.e. buying up US papers?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What remains to be understood is why our government + the Central Bank are pouring all the remaining funds from oil into the enemy's economy, i.e. buying US securities?

Assets are very complex in their structure, it is a portfolio that is constantly shaken up depending on the market situation.
No country keeps all of its reserves solely in its currency, it includes all major currencies, debt obligations, deposits in other countries, precious metals and stones, etc.
Recently, Russia and china have been actively increasing their reserves in gold.
Russia has been actively increasing its reserves in gold lately. knowledge and technology are also a kind of "reserve.
Besides, one should not think that the internet was invented in the states, tesla motors, aple - it means that the states are a powerful country. these are just commodities, like coal, potatoes, oil or bananas, aircraft and rocket engines. countries do not exist in isolation from each other, even Kdr trades with other countries, everything is in one boat called the economy. what matters is people and what they can do and in the end it will play a crucial role in human development.
Andrey Dik:
Recently, russia and china have been actively increasing their reserves in gold.
Knowledge and technology are also peculiar "reserves". science, medicine, space, IT - Russia is in the lead.

Andrei, you remind me of a cheeky kitten. With one exception - a kitten can realize its helplessness and hunger until it dies, while you cannot realize even that.

Self-correction begins the moment you become aware of the problem. If you are incapable of recognising a problem, you will not be able to get out of it.
Russia is a helpless country with limitless potential. Gold, diamonds, oil - a potential leader. How to dispose of its wealth for the benefit of the people is the ultimate mathematics.
There are enough examples in modern history of states which have disposed of "many times less reserves of natural resources" and secured a bright future for themselves.
Lazar Buga:

Andrei, you remind me of a cheeky kitten. With one exception - a kitten is capable of realising its helplessness and hunger until it dies, while you are incapable of realising even that.

Self-correction begins the moment you become aware of the problem. If you are incapable of recognising a problem, you will not be able to get out of it.
Russia is a helpless country with limitless potential. Gold, diamonds, oil - a potential leader. How to dispose of its wealth for the benefit of its people is the ultimate mathematics.
There are enough examples in modern history, which disposed of "many times less reserves of natural resources" and secured themselves a bright future.

Where are you from? Ukraine? Come on... I know such smart people from Ukraine, they said a lot of smart words, and now they silently live in Russia (and someone continues to criticize them), someone ran away from military service, someone.... Everyone has different reasons but the result is the same - they now live in Russia.
Russia is a helpless country... one can shit his pants... Please, it's not sad any more, it's just funny.
Igor Konyashin:

Calm down about the avatar and the plane on my page. The avatar is our pilot. I didn't change it because of you. You're not the boss of me.
You better watch yourself (ava sucks, like the whole page is about nothing). And don't get personal.
And by the way, what do you think? A man of what kind of mind, moral and spiritual development can one observe an avatar like yours?
Pardon the expression (what is - is), but you are a real comedian (colicky). With whom you can, from nothing to do, exchange barbs.
Because of the narrow-mindedness, you immediately rush to a search engine to find a rebuttal. Without even bothering to get confirmation of your finding.
Which is further proof of your "shallowness", or youth.

And why are you so worried about the income of Russians?
There are rich and poor in every country.
I do not consider myself poor. And Russia's position in the global conjuncture does not affect me in any way.
This is largely due to the fact that I have been earning my own money since I was in school. At that age, when you were riding bikes and going to discos, I was already finding resources for my projects. And over the years, my income has only grown. I'm not waiting for things to get better or worse in this country.
And your whining about how life is hard, difficult, poor... That things are only bad... You can see that kind of whining at any time and in any country.
You're just one of those people who are always dissatisfied.
You can already tell by your posts that you're a negative person.
Taking your negativity out on those around you. Trying to hurt. To sting. To mock.
Don't you understand that everything comes back. The good. And the bad.
Until you change your attitude towards life, those around you, the country you live in and the world in general, things will not get better.
And another strange thing is that you are trying to earn something on the stock market, staying in that mindset. But you cannot make money on the exchange market without working on yourself.
I wish you success in this difficult task. After all, changing yourself is the hardest job in the world.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

BB is not "just a president", but a president who has so much power that the top officials of the whole of Europe plus the US put together do not have. Look at the list of Russian officials that Putin personally appoints: all security officials (FSB, Interior Ministry, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Emergency Situations..., judges of all levels...) A special place among them is occupied by the Rosgvardia, which reports only to Putin in general.

Add to that the officials whom Putin recommends for election: the prime minister, the chairman of the Central Bank, all the governors, .....

Not enough for you?

What more does Putin need to steer in the direction he wants?

You and Fedorov have a strange idea of power. Let's suppose you have a Bentley and a driver. It would seem that you have all the power: the car is yours and the driver follows instructions. But in reality, as long as the driver has the wheel in his hands, he has all the power, including your life. If you want to live, choose a driver.

So it is with Putin: his power is in arranging the cadres who will steer in the direction he wants. He hasn't always been able to do it, there was too much crap at all levels after the 90s, you have to check and educate, but in 17 years in power he has managed to create some sort of governance in the country out of the pile of crap from the 90s. Maybe well, maybe not exactly, but the country has become manageable. Yes, there is turnover, there are deviations, but this is a normal thing in any management of such a huge economy.

Let's not listen to Fedorov - this is a smokescreen of Putin's quite meaningful, well thought out and consistent actions to create new managerial elites in our country. In 1917 there was a 100% change of elites, in 1991 almost 100%. So Putin is cultivating new elites. These elites (demos) consist of: oligarchs, security officials and bureaucracy. At all times, these elites have never cared about the people. And all these straight lines are nothing more than PR.


The reference to Article 15 of the Constitution is a propaganda trick by Fedorov in order to gain time to form new elites, which includes this very Fedorov - a common scam.

Let me explain.

The article talks about the priority of international treaties. Can it be otherwise? Who will sign international treaties with us when we, referring to domestic laws, refuse to execute them? What, are we claiming a figure in our pocket?

It follows from this article of the Constitution that we cannot sign international treaties that contradict domestic laws. That is, domestic law always takes precedence. And if someone signed an international treaty that contradicts the domestic legislation, he/she should be prosecuted as a citizen of the country who does not abide by the legislation of that country. After all, it is an obvious thing: you cannot go against the laws of the country in which you live when signing any documents! And this obvious fact the cunning Fedorov managed to twist and convince a lot of people that even the Constitutional Court had to explain this obvious thing.

You make me crazy! I, unlike you, have a finer understanding of problems in any phenomena, not only in programming and my mind, unfortunately, does not share your rabid optimism.

Andrey Dik:
Russia is a helpless country... you can shit your pants... please, it's not sad anymore, it's just funny.

Have you already pissed yourself? I hope you have enough nappies to keep from leaking around?
Please give me some data on your greatness. Before you find the data, let me deny you the right to write anything.
And please remind me: Everything is learned by comparison.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

Oh calm down already about the avatar and the plane on my page. The avatar is our pilot.

The avatar is not our pilot. This picture has been appearing on the net since 2011, and the fact that it was dragged by some Russian resources to their sites, for posts about the development of the military, does not mean that the pilot has become Russian.

The rest of the text is fantasy, which makes no sense to parse. I have already caught you in previous posts(once, twice) making absolutely amateurish, naive, statements about how things actually are.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

At that age, when you were riding bikes and going to discos, I was already finding resources for my projects. And over the years, my income has only grown.

If you had launched any projects you would have understood the economy more adequately. As for this, it is immediately clear what "projects" you were doing (and whether you were doing them at all).

Igor Konyashin:

The avatar is not our pilot. This picture has been appearing on the net since 2011, and the fact that it was taken by some Russian resources to their sites, for posts about military development, does not mean that the pilot has become Russian.

There is nothing wrong with my ideas about economics. Unlike you, I do not complain about life.
And since you are such an outsider, take an interest in military pilots' helmet models.
Specifically: ZSh-7AP, ZSh-7A flight helmets with oxygen masks.
There is nothing to add here.
P.S. Except to learn literacy. If you are a grown-up developed person (in age), you should be ashamed of writing with mistakes.