The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 53

Different reputable people have different opinions. I did not even know there was such a programme. It must be on Channel 1, and I don't watch it. Because I watch TV in the archive at, and there is no Channel 1 in the archive.

I'm not sure either, there used to be such a programme, I said from memory. It's just that you seem to have an overly optimistic view of the Russian economy. And I am against hurrah-patriotism. I am for a sober view.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I'm not sure either, there used to be such a programme, I said from memory. It's just that you seem to me to have an overly optimistic view of the Russian economy. And I am against hurrah-patriotism. I am for a sober outlook.

I wouldn't say too much, the growth rate of the economy doesn't allow you to be too optimistic yet). I have only cited facts to prove that Russia is not a backward country. If our economists and government manage to find the levers to accelerate economic growth, then we can look at the future of our country with optimism, given our potential in natural resources as well as intellectual potential.

A testament to our intellectual potential:

Russia has 5 medals at the International Physics Olympiad

I wouldn't say too much, the growth rate of the economy doesn't allow you to be too optimistic yet). I was just citing facts to prove that Russia is not a backward country. If our economists and the government can find the levers to accelerate economic growth, then we can look at the future of our country with optimism, given our potential in natural resources as well as intellectual potential.

We're not in a ****hole, it's just that the growth rate is not optimistic.


The crayfish and the pike:

Investing reserve funds in government bonds of other countries causes mixed reactions from various economists and financiers, and much debate on the subject. And only you - the programmer - are clear and understandable about how reserve funds should be handled). The point is that the reserve funds may be needed at any unforeseen moment, for example in case of a sharp drop in oil prices, and if they are invested in the Russian economy, it will not be easy to withdraw them quickly. Selling bonds is much easier.

So first you should pay back the money for the lend-lease. Otherwise what kind of bonds are you going to demand? There are a lot of disputes on this issue, for example I have a dispute why Lavrov's daughter lives and studies in the United States, maybe she has already studied and just lives?
It is also debatable why members of the Duma and the Russian pop scene go to Germany or Spain for treatment. Is the local medicine so flawed that they have to seek their fortune abroad?
Any unforeseen moment has already arrived, it is time to claim their bonds.

Lazar Buga:

So you'll pay back the money for the Lend-Lease first. Otherwise what kind of bonds are you going to demand? There is a lot of debate on this issue, for example I debate why Lavrov's daughter is living and studying in the US, maybe she has already studied and is just living?
It is also debatable why members of the Duma and the Russian pop scene go to Germany or Spain for treatment. Is the local medicine so flawed that they have to seek their fortune abroad?
Any unforeseen moment has already arrived, it is time to claim their bonds.

What has Lavrov done wrong to you? Jealous or what? Beg for favors from Poroshenko, our people have nothing to do with your lousy life.
Andrey Dik:

What has Lavrov done wrong to you? Do you envy him? Begging for favours from Poroshenko, what do ours have to do with your lousy life?

I'm from Russia, do you know the city of Rostov? If you put Ukraine in your profile, I can put Honduras too.

Lazar Buga:

I'm from Russia, do you know the city of Rostov? If you have Ukraine in your profile, I can also include Honduras.

That's not very nice, so how should we treat your words now? You are lying, you are ashamed of your homeland....
Andrey Dik:

That's not good, so how do we treat your words now? You are lying, you are ashamed of your homeland....
I am not ashamed of my homeland. Ukraine is in a very bad shape today. It is a backward country like Mother Russia.
The problem is that I admit it and you do not.