The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 52

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

There's nothing wrong with my understanding of economics. Unlike you, I don't complain about life.

Where did you see me complaining? You are generating nonsense again.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

In particular: ZSh-7AP, ZSh-7A flight helmets with oxygen masks.

It's similar. Whatever. Not a big deal.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

P.S. Except that you should learn literacy. If you are an adult educated person (of an age), you should be ashamed of writing with mistakes.

Well, you're one to talk...

Maksim D lugoborskiy:

There's nothing wrong with my economics. I, unlike you, am not complaining about life.
And since you're such an all-round (confusingly spelled) evolved person, take a look at military pilot helmet models.

Maksim D lugoborskiy:

I wish you success in this difficult (here too - confused) business. After all, changing yourself is the hardest job in the world.

That's right, it should be a shame.

Corrected. Don't thank me.


The dollar will always be there and no one will abolish it or bend it... it has always been like that... the states will do everything to make the dollar stay like Santa Claus...


the dollar will always be there and no one is going to abolish it or bend it, that's the way it's always been the states will make sure the dollar stays like Santa Claus...

It's great that there are literate people like you! It's on your bones that this wrapper will one day be smashed, fortunately all the possibilities are ripe for it, it's just a question of reincarnating Alexander the Great and his invincible phalanx. The thirty-six thousand hoplites were enough to scatter the Persian civilized society. And no Putin is going to help!

The global gang, who have got their hands on running the planet, are losing that control and the planet is spinning out of control. Somehow it's like this:

Бастрыкин предложил исключить «колониальную» 15 ст. Конституции
Бастрыкин предложил исключить «колониальную» 15 ст. Конституции
  • 2015.03.07
Российские СМИ и юридическое сообщество накрыло информационное цунами: председатель СКР Александр Бастрыкин предложил исключить «колониальную» 15 статью «о п...

the pattern

If Russia successfully bombs the Barmaleans in Syria, the dollar goes down.


Dmitry Fedoseev:

Is there no way to look up any ratings on various indicators on the internet?

Western rating agencies are one of the components of Western propaganda. Nobody is saying that Russia is the most economically developed country, but it is not a backward country either.
Western rating agencies are one of the building blocks of Western propaganda. No one is saying that Russia is the most economically developed country, but it is not a backward country either.

Of course we are rich, we keep investing in the US economy. Under Stalin they would have put us up against the wall a long time ago.

Россия сделала рекордное за 7 лет вложение в гособлигации США | 19.07.17 |
Россия сделала рекордное за 7 лет вложение в гособлигации США | 19.07.17 |
Россия продолжает наращивать вложения в гособлигации США. Как сообщил американский Минфин, ЦБ РФ, управляющий золотовалютными резервами страны, скупает долговые бумаги Штатов седьмой месяц подряд. На конец мая в госдолг США было вложено 108,7 млрд долларов российских ЗВР, или 26% от их объема на тот момент. Общая сумма инвестиций стала...

MAKS-2017: Russia in the ranking of the world's largest exporters of new multi-role fighters in 2013-2020
МАКС-2017: Россия в рейтинге крупнейших мировых экспортеров новых многоцелевых истребителей в 2013-2020 гг.
МАКС-2017: Россия в рейтинге крупнейших мировых экспортеров новых многоцелевых истребителей в 2013-2020 гг.
ЦАМТО, 19 июля. К XIII Международному авиакосмическому салону МАКС-2017 ЦАМТО публикует статистический материал по положению России в рейтинге крупнейших мировых экспортеров новых многоцелевых истребителей в 2013-2016 гг. и прогноз на 2017-2020 гг. В предстоящий 4-летний период (2017-2020 гг.) объем продаж новых многоцелевых истребителей может...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Of course we are rich, we keep investing in the US economy. Under Stalin they would have put us up against the wall a long time ago.

Investing reserve funds in government bonds of other countries causes mixed reactions from various economists and financiers, and there is a lot of debate on the subject. And only you - the programmer - are clear and understandable about how reserve funds should be handled). The point is that the reserve funds may be needed at any unforeseen point in time, for example in a sharp drop in oil prices, and if they are invested in the Russian economy, it will not be easy to withdraw them quickly. Bonds are much easier to sell.
Investing reserve funds in government bonds of other countries causes mixed reactions from various economists and financiers, with much debate on the subject. And only you - the programmer - are clear and understandable about how reserve funds should be handled). The point is that the reserve funds may be needed at any unforeseen moment, for example in case of a sharp drop in oil prices, and if they are invested in the Russian economy, it will not be easy to withdraw them quickly. Selling bonds is much easier.
I listen to the opinion of reputable people. You must judge life by the programme Time ))
Alexey Volchanskiy:
I listen to authority figures. You must judge life by the programme Time )).
Different authority figures have different opinions. I didn't even know there was such a programme. Maybe it's on Channel 1, and I don't watch it. Because I watch TV in the archive at and there is no Channel 1 in the archive.