The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 57

Alexander Puzanov:
@Alexander Puzanov
What kind of perverted taste is it to compare Sketman and Noggano in one space? I have a lot to learn from you, Alexander. Redneck rap - look in my eyes, you'll see the "depth" there, look in my eyes (bold, redneck) - this is Russia. I am Russia. Was that meaning put there?
Alexander Puzanov:

Why, curiously, did the topic of the grave of the dollar turn to the rubbish about Russia? Are these two topics really related? Are rou-hackers, rou-mafia, rou-Putin and the rest of the rou-poor really the main factor in the quid's funeral?

gggs, give the example of an eternally stoned junkie and build an argument on his bullshit. Teach me, Sasha! What are you rubbing carrots with?
Lazar Buga:

... Why are you all messing with your citizens' heads with the rouble? You'll just write on every exchange office: "It's more convenient and profitable to keep it in dollars".

No one is giving a shit. It has long been officially announced that the ruble would fall in price and those who wished to do so converted their surplus funds to euros and dollars. Many countries periodically depreciate their currencies. This stimulates the development of companies which sell their products abroad and also enables the state to save foreign currency.
No one is steaming at anyone. It has long been officially announced that the rouble would depreciate in a planned manner and whoever wanted to convert their spare cash into euros and dollars long ago. Many countries periodically depreciate their currencies. This stimulates the development of companies which sell their products abroad and also enables the state to save foreign currency.

There is nothing nastier than dilettantes picking up the top tips from economics.

Dmitry Fedoseev: There is nothing nastier than dilettantes picking up the tips of economics.

If an amateur keeps quiet, he's a good one.


Turnover in currency, buying up US debts ?

What debts, trade turnover?

Отказ России от доллара может спровоцировать крупнейший кризис в США
Отказ России от доллара может спровоцировать крупнейший кризис в США
Москва, 1 августа. Возможный отказ России от американской валюты может крайне негативно повлиять на финансовую ситуацию в США и даже вызвать мощнейший кризис, который развалит американскую экономику. Эффект многократно усугубится, если примеру России последуют другие страны, отмечают западные эксперты. Как отмечают многие аналитики, с 2014 года...


Экономисты испуганы: Россия массированно скупает золото
Экономисты испуганы: Россия массированно скупает золото
Центробанк России в июне купил еще 9,1 тонны золота, показав тем самым, что курса на размещение резервов страны в золоте будет продолжен. Сегодня Россия — мировой лидер по наращиванию золота в международных резервах. Еще на 100 тонн они пополнились за первые шесть месяцев текущего года. А в 2015 и 2016 года Банк России купил 206,7 и 200,7 тонн...
Andrey Dik:
1, 2

The funny thing is that for all the "omnipotence" of the states it is very easy to bring them down to earth, all they have to do is refuse to use the dollar to other countries. Even more amusing is that the states cannot do the same to bring down the economy of, say, Russia.

No economy, no state. In fact, the entire power of the states is based on the ubiquitous payment in dollars and nothing more. The states' economy is as vulnerable as Kashchei the Immortal's life is to a needle. The states economy itself cannot exist locally using dollars, everything is based on the influx of surplus value on the use of dollars in other countries, not on the efficiency of the domestic economy.

It's like a mosquito sitting on the body of an elephant, imagining itself to be the all-powerful ruler of the world. The elephant cannot get rid of the bloodsucker, it cannot reach the mosquito. But another elephant can help, the blow will be painful for the donor elephant, but it will heal quickly.

No money flowing into the economy (with no surplus value in the economy itself) - no armaments, no scientific progress, no nothing - back to the Stone Age.
Andrey Dik:

The funny thing is that for all the "omnipotence" of the states it is very easy to bring them down to earth, all they have to do is refuse to use the dollar to other countries. Even more amusing is that the states cannot do the same to bring down the economy of, say, Russia.

No economy, no state. In fact, the entire power of the states is based on the ubiquitous payment in dollars and nothing more. The states' economy is as vulnerable as Kashchei the Immortal's life is to a needle. The states economy itself cannot exist locally using dollars, everything is based on the influx of surplus value on the use of dollars in other countries, not on the efficiency of the domestic economy.

It's like a mosquito sitting on the body of an elephant, imagining itself to be the all-powerful ruler of the world. The elephant cannot get rid of the bloodsucker on its own, it cannot reach the mosquito. But another elephant can help, the blow will be painful for the donor elephant, but it will get better quickly.

Where did such conclusions come from? Based on the two completely illogical articles you cited above?