The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 49

Andrey Dik:
If Europe, Russia and China impose sanctions against the states, they'll start saving on food too. Cause the bitches are getting fat. Don't eat shit at Dermo McDonald's, eat our bread, meat and potatoes. They have fucked up our people's brains, we should not allow the media to influence people's brains. Gorbachev is not a good man, he gave up his guts, hence all the troubles. But now people are beginning to understand what is bad and what is good, what is not only tasty, but what is actually good for them.

I've eaten at a poppy's probably five or six times in my life, I don't get a buzz. But how many young people are there! It's like an anthill.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I've eaten at a poppy's probably five or six times in my life, I don't get a buzz. But how many young people are there! It's like an anthill.

Of course, young people are the easiest to brainwash, they succumb more easily to advertising. this is how a brainless herd of consumers is raised. Even here on the forum there are a lot of them at every turn (although it would seem that they should not be stupid people, programmers as it were), they do not distinguish even a gram what is good and what is bad, where and when technology came from, they do not understand that some products are more profitable to produce in different parts of the world, because it is clear that bananas do not grow here, and what now, Russia is the most backward country for banana production? - Shame on you!

Ugh, how fucking stupid people are. I'm not talking about you, Alexei.

Andrey Dik:

It is clear that young people are the easiest to brainwash, they succumb more easily to advertising. this is how a brainless herd of consumers is raised. Even here on the forum there are many of them at every turn (although it would seem that there should be intelligent people, programmers as it were), they do not distinguish at all what is good and what is bad, where and when technology came from, they do not understand that some products are more profitable to produce in different parts of the world, because it is clear that bananas do not grow here, and what now, Russia is the most backward country in banana production? - Shame on you!

How dumb people have become. I'm not talking about you, Alexei.

Is it the brainless youth as well?

Vladimir Zubov:

Is this all brainless youth too?

yeah, 90s. well. i tell you, zero understanding of where this is coming from and why it's happening....

Andrey Dik:

yeah, 90s. well. i'm telling you, zero understanding of where it comes from and why it happens that way....

Comes from the almost complete absence of catering in the Soviet Union. Where do students go for lunch?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I've eaten at a poppy's probably five or six times in my life, I don't get a buzz. But how many young people are there! It's just like an anthill.

Go to KFC, poppy's nothing :) KFC is good.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Comes from the almost complete absence of catering in the Soviet Union. Where do students go for lunch?

Not in the soviet Union at all, but by the 1990s. and by today, the stereotype has already been nurtured - a quick meal - McDonald's.

Andrey Dik:

Not in the Soviet Union at all, but by the 1990s. and by today, the stereotype has already been nurtured - a quick meal is a McDonald's.

They have somewhere to go, so they do.


I'll scare you even more, new McDonald's are still opening in various Russian cities.

Andrey Dik:
If Europe, Russia and China impose sanctions against the states, they too will start saving on food. Cause the bitches are getting fat. Don't eat shit at Dermo-McDonald's, eat our bread, meat and potatoes. They have fucked up our people's brains, we should not allow the media to influence people's brains. Gorbachev is not a good man, he gave up his guts, hence all the troubles. But now the people are beginning to understand what is bad and what is good, what is not only tasty, but what is actually useful.

I have already cited in figures the "greatness" of Russia against the background of developed world powers.
1.5% vs 25% of world GDP (only vs USA). As of today you can only impose sanctions against your own people.

The EU is a long-standing strategic partner of the USA and a NATO ally.

As for China, the Sino-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world, possibly the most important bilateral relationship in the world today. It is a superpower relationship and a potential superpower relationship. China and the US are each other's second largest trading partners, with $500 billion in trade between them.

Russia today is a backward, gas-guzzling country. (Just numbers, just facts, nothing personal.)

My point is that when you try to position yourself as an equal competitor in the global confrontation, the numbers should prove it. So far only the "naked king".
If you are a third-rate country, you need to behave accordingly, your ambitions must match your capabilities. So far, there is no such correspondence.

Andrey Dik:

They are a brainless herd of consumers. even here on the forum there are many of them at every turn (although it would seem that there should be intelligent people, programmers as it were), they do not distinguish at all between good and bad, where and when technology came from, they do not understand that some goods are better to produce in different parts of the world, it is clear that bananas do not grow here, and now what.

I do not mean you, Aleksey.

I too the person emotional and can allow myself a strong word in the circle of friends. But arriving on a forum, communicating with strangers, I try to restrain myself and operate only with facts. Your statements once again emphasize your low level of development as a person.