FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 69



When everyone sells and no one buys, mm starts buying your elks, or even kolyan. or rather, sells, because the elk gets you.

i think the roles have been split lately. there are MM guys and there are "smart money" sharks, and everyone confuses the two.

i think the market is driven by the latter. but for real trading it does not really matter who you call,

But to understand and sift out the heresy that people write about us it would be useful ...

guys went into space on scooters....
Where did you get such a conclusion? If there is no liquidity, the price changes and liquidity is restored. That's what the market is for.

The conclusion is simple. There were 100 people in the trade, 50 left. The upshot is that slippage will immediately increase.

It is easier to see it on illiquid stocks, look how they move up and down.


It seems to me that recently the roles have been divided - there are MM people and there are sharks of "smart money" and everyone confuses the two, and it is the latter who move the market

i think the market is driven by the latter. but for real trading it does not really matter who you call,

But to understand and sift out the heresy that people write about us it would be useful ...

i don't know who to call, but it would be useful to understand and weed out the crap they write... in forex there are two ways to do it. you can trade or write bullshit. who's gonna do the gifts? it's better not to yap about forex, it is used effectively by those who study on their own. there are many ways.
I'm still waiting for the markets to collapse from Marusi with Sensei... tf m1)))
Teacher can only bring down anger on our heads and anathematise us((

The conclusion is simple. There were 100 people in the trade, 50 left. The upshot is that slippage will immediately increase.

It is easier to see it on illiquid stocks, see how they bounce up and down.

In forex, there are two ways to trade or write bullshit. who's going to make gifts? it's better not to yap about forex, it's used effectively by those who study on their own. there are many ways. the old one has options. i'm looking for patterns in the cd terminal.
The first place is always the volume of trades, so you're wrong))))

It seems to me that recently the roles have been divided - there are MM people and there are sharks of "smart money" and everyone confuses the two, and it is the latter who move the market

i think the market is driven by the latter. but for real trading it does not really matter who you call,

But to understand and sift out the heresy that people write about us it would be useful ...

You've been told a hundred times....potatoes aren't just sold at the market... but also around the corner...
Its price may also depend on the price of gasoline ... so you need to bring it in first ... etc...
Wizard, write a poem, eh? At least get an Asian girl...
Barin is a fool... because he's Russian)))
The American praises his women... and how well they sing...
To make up for it he printed some banknotes and lives until the next time)))
The Russian landlord appears to be a serf of the American one))