FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 59


You're being bad... punished with a plum)))
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
How can you explain it to me then and I do not pretend to be a know-it-all )), there is a lot of money made on this muine sir

I'm glad you made good money,

What is there to explain? The answer to my question? In my version it's simple - the cb does not care about the exchange rate and the eu does not have any Zr - free floating - we copied it from the west,

but Evgeniya gave some links

they show that it is not so easy, but it is written in a very complicated way


as for the swiss cb - they kept the franc from rising - that is why they SOLD francs - you just need a printing press - any cb can print as much money as you want

it's different when the cb wants to curb the decline - that's when they need the Zr.

Валютные свопы в современном мире. Рождение глобального валютного картеля (II) > - Фонд Стратегической Культуры | Strategic Culture Foundation
Валютные свопы в современном мире. Рождение глобального валютного картеля (II) > - Фонд Стратегической Культуры | Strategic Culture Foundation
До 2011 г. неограниченные свопы между центральными банками открывались на срок 7 дней. Осенью 2011 года ФРС США, Европейский центральный банк (ЕЦБ), Банк Японии, Банк Англии, Банк Швейцарии и Банк Канады («шестерка») договорились скоординировать действия по обеспечению ликвидности мировой финансовой системы. Согласно релизу, размещенному на...

The questions are as follows

1) Does the ECB intervene in currencies (especially buying dollars for quid) (I think NO, the bank thinks YES)

1a) Now that the euro is falling, the bank thinks the ECB is supporting it.

2) Does the ECB have USD?

3) Does the IMs accumulate a position

4) Are MMs the very "smart-big money" that moves the market

(this question is motivated by the fact that the material around the ACA (which likes strange) is based on this assumption )

5) how much volume is needed to move the price by Xpc

1) I'll answer a little differently: he MAY be making them. Whether he is currently making them, I don't know.

a) I don't know what the ECB is doing at the current moment. But once upon a time a link was given to an open source of the ECB stating how many euros it was "injecting" into the market.

2) Any fully fledged Central Bank has a currency basket of different currencies.

3) There are only 2 processes going on in the market - accumulation and distribution. MM is just one of the players who also wants to profit.

4) It's not just MM that moves the market. And it is not just the Central Bank of the country. In ISA, the term MM or "smart money" refers to those players who have more power and knowledge. They are the ones they are advised to follow.

5) Stupid question. No offence.

It all depends on the currency and time - normal time or "thin market".

Zogman: about the cb swiss - they kept the franc from rising - that's why they SOLD francs - it just needs a printing press - any cb can print as much money as you want

it's different when the cb wants to curb the decline - that's when they need a Zr.

You have some good points to make... but mostly bullshit....
You can print it and the currency will be fine))))

It all depends on the currency and the time - normal time or 'thin market'.

I was a fool and hoped the summer would bring our friend down quickly... and then it's a pain in the ass... Half the summer is wasted)))

1) My answer is a little different: he CAN do them. Whether it is doing them at the moment - I don't know.

a) I don't know what the ECB is doing at the moment. But once upon a time a link was given to an open source of the ECB stating how many euros it was "injecting" into the market.

2) Any fully fledged Central Bank has a currency basket of different currencies.

3) There are only 2 processes going on in the market - accumulation and distribution. MM is just one of the players who also wants to profit.

4) It's not just MM that moves the market. And it is not just the Central Bank of the country. In ISA, the term MM or "smart money" refers to those players who have more power and knowledge. They are the ones they are advised to follow.

5) Stupid question. No offence.

It all depends on the currency and time - normal time or "thin market".

Thanks, but ...

how can I put it, that's not quite or not at all what I was asking

1) may sell their currency - it is clear - I even gave some links where it was discussed

1a) it is interesting to ask whether he did or did not

1b) if he sells USD to support the EuR (the selling of the EuR is easier to believe).

2) Any fully fledged central bank has a currency basket of different currencies.

The Fed and the ECB do not seem to have one - why should they ?

The unfounded claim that "of course they do" goes down the drain.

If there's a link then give it to me.

- but most likely the answer is no zr - so don't look for it - it's more complicated there if you believe in Eugenia's links

3) everyone has a different interpretation of mm

give me your definition for starters

4) so maybe the mm do not move or hold a pose at all ?

5) it is clear that it depends on many things - is there anything substantial to say? )))))

Eurobucks day time

You have some good points to make... but mostly bullshit....
You can print money and the currency will be fine)))

oyx moxiel but of course it could be.

but it could also be that everyone wants to keep their money in swiss banks - it will just lie there and rot away

an uncle comes and buys francs for euros, the central bank puts the euros in the safe and they rot away, the uncle puts the francs in the safe and they rot away

plenty has been printed but not enough has gone into circulation, so there is no inflation...

OK, I'm off to bed.

oyx moxiel but of course it could be.

but it could also be that everyone wants to keep their money in swiss banks - it will just lie there and rot away

an uncle comes and buys francs for euros, the central bank puts the euros in the safe and they rot away, the uncle puts the francs in the safe and they rot away

They have been printed a lot, but they are not circulating, so there is no inflation...

Inflation can be contained in other ways... it's about something else... all that was discussed today will not help in trade...
Zogman - young man, I didn't really want to argue about MM with fantasists. I don't think the FOREX has mm at all - that market is super liquid as it is. As for IMF, of course it exists in the U.S. - not so long ago I read that there was an audit on this issue and there was a scandal, as there was a big discrepancy between the fact and the reporting .... maybe gossip, but the fact of gold storage, including from Germany is undeniable.