FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 535

If you sit on the same shoulder all your life, keep studying that shoulder
Stop writing nonsense and pretending to be clever at the same time.
If you've been sitting on the same leverage your whole life, keep studying that leverage
If you're not mistaken, the price of a pip changes depending on the leverage, because the deposit is smaller... Company "A" used a different quantity of "goods" in a lot at one time, though it's true a long time ago. With pairs with yen the point price changes from the price.
Stop writing nonsense and pretending to be clever at the same time.
Bicus, open an account with 2000 leverage, then we'll talk. And preferably with a floating leverage.
Good afternoon ....You based on the formula Pledge/price = Point Price . I understand correctly? And based on this you conclude that the point price depends on the leverage, because the deposit decreases ... At one time, though a long time ago, the company "A" used a different number of "goods" in the lot. With pairs with yen the point price changes from the price.

I looked through everything, but I couldn't find it. In spring I wrote a whole program block to trade on the floating leverage of 1000 and higher. I would not advise to trade by hand on such a leverage in order not to withdraw in a couple of hours.

I will look for more, and when I find it I will show it. The problem is that the terminal does not detect the change of the leverage until you reload it. It tracks the margin.

The point comes down to getting the same risk when you change leverage. So based on the calculations the point price will change. Maybe physically the point price won't change, but the risk will be different, which is not a good thing.

Let him earn 50 cents, but a steady 5 cents every week, it's not about the amount, it's about whether he can or can't.
Good afternoon! I totally agree. The main thing is to make a profit. If there is no positive result then you are a sponsor. But all the same, it is psychologically difficult to make the right attitudes with small depo. To double the small depo is much easier and it is easier to withdraw. And we were asked about the shoulder...

Scribbled here.

These are just general thoughts on the subject. If you're interested, we can discuss it in more detail.



Scribbled here.

These are just general thoughts on the subject. If you're interested, we can discuss it in more detail.


strenge, bravo!!!


strenge, bravo!!!

Bravo what, any thoughts on the subject?)
What bravo, any thoughts on the subject?)
Already written.

Strange, bravo!!!

yeah, he told you that 2+2=4 =))))))))))))