FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 264

Yes they will make it below the plinth... just wait with these swaps....
First they'll put it up a couple of feet and then we'll see. But the pound baiji will need to be covered the other day.
Roman Busarov:
oh, deja vu .... a year and a half ago... nothing ever changes around here=)
Roma, let's go fishing, huh?
First it will go up by a couple of figures and then we'll see. But the pound baiji will have to be covered the other day.
The sels are not covered, I was too lazy to push the button.
I think we'll soon see a pamm with a "new ts" and a legitimate result.....
I want Icarus!
I want Icarus!
I want Icarus!
I want Icarus!
I want Icarus!
I want Icarus!
Помоги мне (песня из кинофильма "Бриллиантовая рука")
Помоги мне (песня из кинофильма "Бриллиантовая рука")
  • 2013.08.12
Песня из кинофильма "Бриллиантовая рука". Смотрите и слушайте свои любимые песни из кинофильмов в нашем приложении:
The funniest movie would be... if Tolyana and Sensei get drunk...
It's hard to imagine what kind of fights they might have...))

He's a woodpecker. There is a herd of lazy dol- ves sitting there, to whom he tells what he has learned, who themselves don't have the time, they are busy looking at the charts in the mt.

If he studies it all and understands it, he cannot explain it to you, because you keep on ticking, mocking and asking your stupid questions after every sentence, there is no such thing as a line that crosses another line and you sell or buy, you have to think there, and since you are unfamiliar with the word, I do not waste my time on you. You are a pack of jackals who do not want to learn anything, but are waiting for someone to miss, you will never trade on the plus side.

You're so amorphous, no specifics, nothing at all. All the provocation me to the ban. You do not write to me again, I will not waste any more time on you, goodbye.

He's a woodpecker. There is a herd of lazy dol- ves sitting there, to whom he tells what he has learned, who themselves do not have time, they are busy looking at the charts in the mt.

If he studies it all and understands it, he cannot explain it to you, because you keep on ticking, mocking and asking your stupid questions after every sentence, there is no such thing as a line that crosses another line and you sell or buy, you have to think there, and since this word is unfamiliar to you, I do not waste my time on you. You are a pack of jackals who do not want to learn anything, but are waiting for someone to miss, you will never trade on the plus side.

What's with your habit of generalizing and lumping it all together? ))

Why don't you pay attention to your moonshine sales? How much did you fart over there? Ten? Fifty? I charged 40 bucks this morning. Now I charged again and got another 30. And we haven't even gotten to 1.3 yet... We'll see about that.
But we don't.
And that's good.
There are vectors...
That's what we'll smoke.
When HIM comes...
Another thought.
We'll extinguish the vectors...
And we'll give another...
straight stream of consciousness! Who's going to do the work for me? (Ahmet?

Who's the woodpecker here?

Do you think the Aussie will make it below 70?

I've been saying that for months... first Old One laughed, now he's stopped. Now you...