FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1742


Old, a.k.a. Young, hello! Wizard to you, too, with a tassel!

Don't confuse me, Nemo's trying to brush my bald head. Talking about the angle, and this thing, though abstract, but requires mathematical expressions ...

Hey, so express yourself)))

I remember Koldun started with Guru many years ago as he does now with Lesha.

Lesha, listen to Koldun and you will become great)))

The flame of the moon is cold
The frost crackles

Fog, and snow and rain in the same glass,

December, carbon dioxide weather

And what a hell of a time of year it is...

So he's not thinking, he's got to show prospects.... interest...

Hi, so express yourself)))

That's what I'm asking Nemo to say... It's just that he's got this whole thing built on a daisy chain...
Yeah, it's going to be as big as HE is... I can't believe he'd ever be like that...

Fog, and snow and rain in the same glass,

December, carbon dioxide weather

And whatever time of year it is...

The moon... snow...
Admiring the beautiful... I lived the life I wanted to live.
That's how I end the year.
The moon ... snow...
Admiring the beautiful... I lived as I wished.
That's how I end the year.
I need a beautiful wife,
Then all will be well in my life!!!

P S: just a rhyme in the continuation of the verse, nothing more)...
I just got free, and then I get the usual "trum parum"...
Evgeniya Balchin:
I want a beautiful wife,
Then all will be well in my life!!!
P S: just a rhyme in the continuation of the verse, nothing more)...
I just got free, I looked in, and here's the usual "tram-param"...
In a deserted field of scarecrows...

Nestles for crows.


Well... that's what this thread is for...
Psycho unloading... The rest is optional.))
How does your husband feel about what you're doing here?
Well... that's what this thread is about...
Psycho-unloading... The rest is optional.)
How does your husband feel about what you're doing here?
I don't mind. Unloading is just unloading...)))
Yes, he will become as great as he is... I can't believe that he's ever been like that...
Old... Look at this...

Alesha deletes posts... That's right... Teacher)))

Bring back the avatar... This one makes my eyes glaze over...