FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1739

Are you stupid?))) You're being experimented on and you're imagining things...
Eh... Alyosha)))
You're a fool yourself if you think you're an expert, we're just playing along with your fantasies. It's easier that way.

If you know, why do you ask?

we were talking about oi and volume, why would i need a bid-ask?

Compare, I can post anytime today, OI will not change on any strike.

I don't have an Owl either, he was on a 4.
I don't have an Owl either, it was on a 4.
So you do the same thing with your hands.
Alexey Busygin:
So you also use your hands to do the laundry.
Lyosha, so have you decided on the Euro, if so, share your observations with us....

Answering the question on the screenshot. The ratio of angles is 1 to 2. The rectangles are equal to each other. Everything is calculated by the Pythagoras theorem and from the properties of similarity.

Now for the questions of the topic.

Yes, there is no median as long as there is no second extremum. This approach ensures that the zigzag will not be redrawn. These are the rules for model construction. The channel is considered only when the filter line has been broken through. In this construction, the levels stand dead and they will not change. It's elementary to set a stop and calculate the sl/mt ratio. I made an indicator for myself using MT4. I set the channel and after its penetration two horizontal straight hands - all parameters of the deal are instantly calculated, including the lot.

The point is that a completed channel is the dough poured into the market between extrema. Only everything is calculated geometrically. And that is why we can see how the market will react. The origins of the model grow out of Adverse Tactics. The basic premise - the market always balances as the market is a zero-sum game. Those very capital flows. It doesn't matter if it is speculative capital, real sector or spot market. The channel is just a marker, a milestone, a reference point, a local measurement system, a ruler, or you name it. The human brain is built in such a way that it needs a grid, a reference frame. Hence, for example, the timeframes. Setting a reference frame on points created by the market itself (extrema) is the most natural form of obtaining a system of measurements. In the market, the time flows non-linearly. The reference points are ticks, and they come chaotically, but tend to the normal distribution.

About the rates of long and short - there is no such assumption. We simply compare these rates - higher, lower, equal. But... Corrections that harmonise the market are always "wound up" on the first velocity. Look at my last screen - the price has returned to the first speed and slowed down. Don't be lazy, take any tool and drag an indicator through the history. You will find thousands of examples on different scales where this is exactly what happens. Because it can't be otherwise. From the word never.

Angle ratio 1 to 2 - what figure is taken as 1? I know that it is a know-how, but if this value is not a constant, you do not have to answer.

Yes, there is no median as long as there is no second extremum. And how do you build all the dashes, only after the fact? When all major movements are over...? And what guarantee is there that the extremum you're clinging to is not an intermediate one?

About market balancing I agree with you (or with Adverse, you do not know). However with a caveat - the market tends to degenerate into a horizontal, and only human greed and stupidity make it perform frictions (sorry for not a very decent comparison, but those who have been screwed by it, will understand).

About the long and short rates - no such assumption. Then the basic 1st speed is at the mercy of His Majesty Chance? And just because of this I will not waste my time on history of dubious (from my point of view) indyke. (No offence - you did the same with my pattern, didn't you?)


Corner ratio 1 to 2 - what is the value for 1? You don't need specific values, I've been going to them for some time, I know it's a know-how, but if this value is not a constant for you, you don't have to answer.

Yes, there is no median as long as there is no second extremum. And how do you build all the dashes, only after the fact? When all major movements are over...? And what guarantee is there that the extremum you're clinging to is not an intermediate one?

About market balancing I agree with you (or with Adverse, you do not know). However with a caveat - the market tends to degenerate into a horizontal, and only human greed and stupidity make it perform frictions (sorry for not a very decent comparison, but those who have been screwed by it, will understand).

About the long and short rates - no such assumption. Then the basic 1st speed is at the mercy of His Majesty Chance? And just because of this I will not waste my time on history of dubious (from my point of view) indyke. (No offence - you did the same with my pattern, didn't you?)

Well, you're getting a little old. One is one in Africa.
Alexey Busygin:
You are a fool yourself if you think you are an expert, an experimenter we only play along with your fantasies. It's easier to make things happen.
Why are you so stupid?))
Eh... Alyosha))

Compare, I can post it anytime today, OI will not change on any strike.

I can see it all on the dow Jones, it's Friday and there's not much traffic.

In the owl, every 15 minutes there was a change in the data.

Lesha, so have you decided on the Euro, if so, share your observations with us....
I am on hold but have not given up on my shopping, now betting on everything