FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1648

but a reminder:

That's fucked up. How can you trade with such rubbish in your head?

I'm going out now, I'll tell you when I get back. You know, you can't take offence, just read about the exchange and order matching at least on the cluster-delta website, even though it's not good there either. You better go to the RosBirch site and read everything there, in the original source.

There's a problem with quoting on the forum
don't honour the old - the price has no direction - it just has

1. In committed transactions, the "volume" of sellers equals the "volume" of buyers. In "dynamics" this is not the case - the number of buyers is NOT equal to the number of sellers, otherwise the price would stand still.

2. Let us separate the "flies" from the "cutlets". That is, "rally" from "chiselling the level". These are different things.

3. if you watch the tape, you can see exactly what is going on - buying and selling. If you watch it the way CSA advises - "volume - reaction to it", then you need only post factum analysis.

It's nice to have a conversation with an adequate person.

1 I agree. Hence the conclusion: if the volume is huge and growing, while the price is standing still, then the passive side accepts and absorbs the entire order flow and holds the level. We are not interested in motives.

Further scenarios are as follows:

- The level is held, it means that the price turns (though it doesn't guarantee that there won't be another attack). If the price turns and volumes go in the other direction (the active side), then we can immediately get into a reversal. If the volumes are small, the retest will occur and we should again watch the volumes.

OM may serve as a valid hint. For example, if the price bangs against the level, the volume rises considerably, and OM drops, it means that the meat is closing.

- The level has been sold. I will not describe it in detail, let the experts think it over.

2. The rally ALWAYS begins after the position is gained by the Major and is marked by the fact that the pressure is "given". A strong impulse with high volume is a sign of "pressure". And it should be understood that the Shark is already in position, its task now is to support the rally, there is no sense for it to continue the pressure, the price will now move without volumes at the expense of those who joined the movement.

And again, I will not describe it further, because there are a lot of nerds here, they know everything themselves.

If we look at the AGREGATE Ribbon, everything becomes clearer, because the large companies hide their positions in asbergs, "smearing" the set in the range. In fact, it is much clearer what happens if the volume at the level is aggregated by bids and ascams. Clusters are also an amazing tool. There is plenty of information on the web.

Back to add to it.

A serious mistake of all those who try to understand the market dynamics is that they view the market from the perspective of two participants - the big man and the meat. In reality, there are at least three participants - and the MM. This is the starting point. The big man can quickly enter the market, instantly perform the task and step aside - that's it, he's in the market, and now let the little guys bang on with the MM, and he will only at the right moments set the limiters and press small volumes in the right direction.


Good afternoon,

There are different points of view on who market makers are and what they do.

Have you been in touch with someone who has personally market-marketed an instrument on, say, the Moscow Stock Exchange?


Good afternoon,

There are different points of view on who market makers are and what they do.

Have you been in touch with someone who has personally market-marketed someone's instrument on, say, the Moscow Stock Exchange?

No, not in person, only online.

Different points of view always break down to reality - the contract between the regulator and MM. The rest is delusion.

Besides, no one has the power to stop MM from registering a subsidiary firm and working through it as a client. But, if it becomes known that this subsidiary is using insider information from MM, there will be proceedings and criminal penalties because this is a criminal offence.

Today's market events are as follows:
11:55 - Germany. Unemployment rate;
11:55 - Germany. Change in the number of unemployed;
12:00 - Eurozone. Markit manufacturing activity index;
12:30 - UK. Markit manufacturing activity index;
12:30 - UK. Financial Stability Report;
13:00 - Eurozone. Unemployment rate;
16:30 - Canada. Gross Domestic Product (m/m);
16:30 - Canada. Annual GDP data (QoQ);
17:30 - Canada. RBC manufacturing activity index;
17:45 - U.S. Markit manufacturing index;
18:00 - U.S. ISM Manufacturing Index;
18:00 - U.S.. Index of gradual acceleration of inflation;
18:00 - US. Construction spending (m/m).

It's nice to have a conversation with an adequate person.

1 I agree. Hence, if the volume is huge and growing and the price stands still, then the passive side takes and absorbs all the order flow and holds the level. We are not interested in motives.

Further scenarios are as follows:

- The level is held, it means that the price turns (though it doesn't guarantee that there won't be another attack). If the price turns and volumes go in the other direction (the active side), then we can immediately get into a reversal. If the volumes are small, the retest will occur and we should again watch the volumes.

OM may serve as a valid hint. For example, if the price bangs against the level, the volume rises considerably, and OM drops, it means that the meat is closing.

- The level has been sold. I will not describe it in detail, let the experts think it over.

2. The rally ALWAYS begins after the position has been gained by the Major and is marked by the fact that the pressure has been "given". A strong impulse with high volume is a sign of "pressure". And we should understand that the Shark is already in position, its task now is to support the rally, there is no sense for it to keep the pressure, the price will now move without volumes at the expense of those who joined the movement.

And again, I will not describe it further, because there are a lot of nerds here, they know everything themselves.

If we look at the AGREGATE Ribbon, everything becomes clearer, because the large companies hide their positions in asbergs, "smearing" the set in the range. After all, it's much clearer what happens if volume at the level is aggregated by bids and ascams. Clusters are also an amazing tool. There is plenty of information on the web.

Back to add to it.

A serious mistake made by anyone trying to understand market dynamics is that they view the market from the perspective of two participants - the big man and the meat. In reality, there are at least three participants - and the MM. This is the starting point. Large quickly enter the market, instantly perform the task and step aside - that's it, he's in the market, and now let the little guys bang on the MM, and he just at the right moments will set a limiters and push small volumes in the right direction.

Why do people like to bash people so much?


No, not in person, only online.

Different points of view always break down into reality - the contract between the regulator and MM. The rest is delusion.

Besides, no one has the power to stop MM from registering a subsidiary and working through it as a client. But, if it becomes known that this subsidiary is using insider information from MM, there will be proceedings and criminal penalties because this is a criminal offence.

If everyone accuses everyone else of being deluded, we won't get very far.

I have been in touch with those who have done marketmakersto Moscow. In the opinion of many, what they write about "marketmakers" on forums is nonsense.

Which insider are you talking about - can you be more specific? which regulator?

Marketmaking is tied to a platform and an instrument,

the example what hotspot requires from market makers - in essence it requires only one thing - trading volume - it is logical because the market lives with the turnover.

1) Tighter Timeframes for Action: Hotspot is reducing the timeframe under which Market Makers are required to act on their Non-Firm Liquidity to 100 milliseconds from 200 milliseconds.

2) 85% Targeted Acceptance Rates: Market Makers are expected to have an acceptance rate of at least 85% of the orders interacting with their Non-Firm Liquidity, to ensure the Hotspot market continues to provide exceptional fill rates and market quality.

3) 1 Million Minimum Quote Sizes: Market Makers must quote a minimum size of 1 million base currency units.

4) Market Maker Eligibility: In order to be eligible to provide Non-Firm Liquidity, a Market Maker must trade an average daily notional volume (ADV) of $250 million or more aggregated across all market making accounts.


You may be interested in these volumes (Main Marketplaces, Futures)


Gentlemen speculators,

The time of the classical market, for which the laws of supply and demand apply, is gone with the 20th century.

Today's market is governed by geopolitics.