FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1644

Evgeniya Balchin:

can price movements be seen as a supply and demand relationship, if that's easier for you? economists, lawyers - all go through economic theory... must know what supply and demand are... and it is desirable to see and understand who is selling (bidding on puts) and buying (asking) at the moment and there already understand where there is interest...where supply and demand are equal, where prices are comfortable, and where the low price phase and the high price phase...

here are all the options for price movement:

1.demand decreases, supply increases - leading to a decrease in prices for both the 1st and 2nd factor, so the combined decline in prices will be even greater than from each factor individually.

2.demand increases, supply increases. These factors are mutually compensating, for when the demand increases, the price will increase, and when the supply increases, the price will decrease. In general, the movement of the price will depend on which of these factors is greater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

3.demand goes down, supply goes down. As in case 3, the situation is uncertain. If there is a fall in demand, the price will go down, and if there is a fall in supply, the price will go up. In general the price movement will depend on which of these factors is greater - here is the situation for the pound at the moment... but this is generally due to the fact that there is a new contract coming up. 1515 is our price where as of today demand= supply (that's for example)!!!

4)Demand is rising and supply is falling. With increasing demand the price will increase, exactly as it will increase with decreasing supply. In the end, the price will rise more than from each factor individually. and this situation we have today for the pound on the new contract!!!!! so you think!

But that's just the bare minimum, so you have to read and gain knowledge! that's what I was writing about! It's very interesting when you start to understand.... but you have to come to it... if not, young one, you have to read day and night))))) and if you have money, you'll get all the girls you want...) I'm kidding, of course))

Dewlady, it's about the work of the stock exchange, and you're talking about the valenki!!!

You've just been told that demand and supply are equal, and you're getting into economic theory!!! That's not how it works! Everything is much wiser, more complicated and faster than it seems at first glance! You're the one who needs to read, ma'am. And you're giving me advice. Wouldn't you at least say something sensible to confirm your knowledge? All I see so far is advice. And taking it from a man with an incomprehensible thing behind his back is somehow unreasonable!!! No offence!

Who are they buying from, I'm embarrassed to ask? ))))
There are no sellers capable of stopping the movement. And the small sellimits just eat up the market entries
I get the impression I'm on the wrong forum, in the wrong thread and trying to have a conversation with the wrong people here!!! Dick's ears must be burning by now, how much he's being remembered! Nevertheless - with him I think we would have a dialogue, not Mologog as in this case

Everything was expected, but this.....

at least say something clever, it's like ward six - point your finger - ha ha ha

and I'm trying to ask you questions - mliiin!!!!

You're talking about the workings of the stock exchange, and you're talking about the valenki!!!

You've just been told supply and demand are equal, and you're getting into economic theory! That's not how it works. It's a lot wiser, more complicated and faster than it looks at first glance. You're the one who needs to read, ma'am. And you're giving me advice. Wouldn't you at least say something sensible to confirm your knowledge? All I see so far is advice. And taking it from a man with an incomprehensible thing behind his back is somehow unreasonable!!! No offence!

laughing..... can't)))))))))))) not going to write anything more specifically to you... Aibolit came by and told me that it's a diagnosis!!!!!!!!!! and it's - no cure!!! NO HARD FEELINGS!

Dewushka, you're talking about the stock exchange, and you're talking about valenki!

You've just been told supply and demand are equal, and you're getting into economic theory! That's not how it works. It's a lot wiser, more complicated and faster than it looks at first glance. You're the one who needs to read, ma'am. And you're giving me advice. Wouldn't you at least say something sensible to confirm your knowledge? All I see so far is advice. And taking it from a man with an incomprehensible thing behind his back is somehow unreasonable!!! No offence!

Vasya, supply and demand are not buyers and sellers, can you imagine?)

Sellers and buyers, but not those who have already bought and sold, but potential buyers.)

Evgeniya Balchin:
I'm laughing..... I can't)))))))))))) you specifically, I won't write anything else... Aibolit came by and told me that it's a diagnosis!!!!!!!!!! and it's -no cure!!! NO HARD FEELINGS!
what you're writing - if it's on a piece of paper it's worth wiping off, because it's heresy.
Vasya, supply and demand are not buyers and sellers, can you imagine?)
Where the hell are you going, grandpa? ))) tell me more about subjective objectivity here ))) tell me better about last night - what did it look like to you?
what you're writing - if it's on a piece of paper, it's worth wiping, because it's heresy.
come on, come on!!! GIGGLE... )))))

1 How is this consistent with the thesis that sellers and buyers are always evenly matched?

2 If no one is moving and supporting, how does it move at all and why can't it often break the level?

3 And if you think about it?

1. In committed trades, the "volume" of sellers equals the "volume" of buyers. In "dynamics" this is not true - the number of buyers is NOT equal to the number of sellers, otherwise the price would be standing still.

2. Let us separate the "flies" from the "cutlets". That is, "rally" from "chiselling the level". These are different things.

3. if you watch the tape, you can see exactly what is going on - buying and selling. If you watch it as VSA advises - "volume - reaction to it", then you need only post factum analysis.