FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1655

The fact that I took, will take, will not take, here I will never say again, because I do not need a fuck to feed the fools.

why did you make a branch? and dol....b should be fed, Mighty gives a lot of positivity. as long as they are in the foreground, it is possible to make money.



why did you make a branch? and dol....b should be fed, Mighty gives a lot of positive. as long as they are in the foreground, it is possible to make money.


Mighty yes, at least the clown is normal.)

why did you make a branch? and dol....b should be fed, Mighty gives a lot of positive. as long as they are in the foreground, it is possible to make money.


While fools like you are making money, I'm increasing my capital.
Mighty yes, at least the clown is normal)
I am not a clown, I am a puppeteer!


Can you tell me where you can see the LENT for currencies? Or are you talking about the general case...

And which clusters are we talking about, in relation to this thread?

If you don't mind.

The tape can only be seen on currency futures on the CME, Shanghai, Tokyo or Moscow, in short, wherever the futures are traded. But the price of the futures differs from the spot only by forwards points, the value of which can be seen on the CME. The younger the contract, the higher the FP, the closer to expiration, the lower.

It is not for nothing that I asked what happens at the time of expiration - the futures price becomes equal to the spot price and the physical delivery of the Asset (INSTRUMENT) must take place. For example, in the case of a EURUSD contract, the seller must deliver dollars and receive EURUSD in exchange for EUR125,000 per contract. This point has a strong influence on the price movement on the spot, respectively on the futures of the new contract. At the expiration of the option contract for all contracts on the expiration date (out of the money) there is a delivery to the counterparty's account of the futures contract at the strike price (for the seller - short position, for the buyer - long position) and charging of variation margin in the amount equal to the difference between the current price and the strike price. I.e., a volume of futures from the options market is injected into the market.

The clusters are the same ones in nines and cluster-delta.


The tape can only be seen on currency futures on the CME, Shanghai, Tokyo or Moscow, in short, wherever the futures are traded. But the price of the futures differs from the spot only by forwards points, the value of which can be seen on the CME. The younger the contract, the higher the FP, the closer to expiration, the lower.

It is not for nothing that I asked what happens at the time of expiration - the futures price becomes equal to the spot price and the physical delivery of the Asset (INSTRUMENT) must take place. For example, in the case of a EURUSD contract, the seller must deliver dollars and receive EURUSD in exchange for EUR125,000 per contract. This point has a strong influence on the price movement on the spot, respectively on the futures of the new contract. At the expiration of the option contract for all contracts on the expiration date (out of the money) there is a delivery to the counterparty's account of the futures contract at the strike price (for the seller - short position, for the buyer - long position) and charging of variation margin in the amount equal to the difference between the current price and the strike price. I.e., a volume of futures from the options market is injected into the market.

The clusters are the same ones in nines and cluster-delta.

VNG - answer for your promise, the man did not ask you anything (I meant options and expiries) and you fill his head with questions! He answered me with a question with a question. What do you mean by that?
VNG - answer for your promise? The man didn't ask you anything at all (I mean options and expiries) and you're filling his head! He answered me with a question with a question. What do you mean?
It's not every month you get funny ones like this.
It's not every month you get one of these funny ones.
What have I done to make you laugh? No, don't say anything, it's not your burden - you wards are always happy


There's a lot of movement going on.