FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1325

OK, laugh it up - where's the Euro going? Up, according to your calculations?
What about Gunn's circle?
Gunn's nut cracked back in 2007. True, I found out about it much later. Unfortunately. There is an indicator for MT4. See trailer.
VCircles.mq4  22 kb
Gunn's nut was cracked back in 2007. True, I found out about it much later. Unfortunately. There is an indicator for MT4. See trailer.
Thanks, we'll take a look at it.
Thank you, we'll see.

I love the way our shop assistants, when there is no change, say "Would you look at the ruble?" I always reply: "Show me, I'll look at it".

The main thing here is to understand and know "where to put the indicator". It's like a slide rule - one drives nails, and the other multiplies, divides, and extracts logarithms and roots.

All right, laugh it up - where's the euro going? Up, according to your calculations?

How many times do you need to be shown the same thing?

buy euro=pound I think it's going to work out either way
Nestradamus will explain about Gunn, he has been doing it for several years and knows more than anyone here.

He's offended at me, now he won't tell me anything. Anyway, I'm not interested now, because I know (or just think I know) all about it.

I am more interested in your views on options. That is the only reason for visiting this thread.


He's offended at me, now he won't tell me anything. Anyway, I'm not interested now, because I know (or just think I know) all about it.

I am more interested in your views on options. That is the only purpose of visiting this thread.

Answered. In private.
Answered. In private.
Strange, and communication in private - is it principal and critical, or it is possible directly in a branch? I just have an inner conviction in the exceptional usefulness of public communication - sometimes the observers give out such cool thoughts, it's amazing.
Strange, is communication in private a matter of principle and criticism, or can it be done directly in the thread? I just have an inner conviction in the exceptional usefulness of public communication - sometimes the observers give out such cool thoughts, it's amazing.
That's the thing, as I have not tried, they do not give out anything, in fact, they are even too lazy to go through the links and read or watch))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))