FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1324

Everyone has their own truth - space of options, as they say

Why? And why is your nickname vgn_nemo? Well, someone liked the square...

My nickname is my initials. Nemo - because at the beginning of my trading journey I was a nobody.

Introducing a parameter into the system based on the criterion of "liking" is the height of idiocy. In mathematics, there is a concept of "invariance". This is when a parameter is invariant in different reference systems. Try bringing price and time (different parameters) to the same scale. Draw a circle and click the TF. At different TF the circles will be different, not corresponding with each other. And all because we have connected the warm and the soft. Strange says "there is no TF" but you do not even try to think about it. You need an invariant parameter so that when you change the scale, the proportions of change in price and time remain the same. School, ninth grade.


My nickname is my initials. Nemo - because at the beginning of my trading journey I was a nobody.

Introducing a parameter into the system based on the criterion of "liking" is the height of idiocy. In mathematics, there is a concept of "invariance". This is when a parameter is invariant in different reference systems. Try bringing price and time (different parameters) to the same scale. Draw a circle and click the TF. At different TF the circles will be different, not corresponding with each other. And all because we have connected the warm and the soft. Strange says "there is no TF" but you do not even try to think about it. You need an invariant parameter so that when you change the scale, the proportions of change in price and time remain the same. School, ninth grade.

You're so smart - you know 9th grade maths, but you're asking stupid questions.
In fact, let's do this - today you take a notebook and a pen and start writing down everything that interests you - you're an inquisitive person... You write everything down honestly, don't be shy. If you see something interesting you go to evaluate it according to your criteria. You haven't had time to look through it, study and evaluate it - you write it down - well, maybe you'll study it tomorrow... That's how it is every day. In a month you can post the list - let's laugh.
I've been down this road. All huskies gone, there were only grains of truth. It took me five years. I did it fanatically twenty hours a day. Now I am just trading and paying back debts.
If you don't get it right, you're a limited man.

No, I just rejected it because it didn't meet my criteria.

I'm not arguing, man is always limited.

You're so smart - you know 9th grade maths, but you're asking stupid questions.
Well, if it's a stupid question, then answer it cleverly, smear me, and lower me to the ground.
I have already been down that road. All the husks have been removed, only the grains of truth remain. It took me five years. I did it fanatically twenty hours a day. Now I'm just selling and paying back debts.
Wow, they don't know what that is. They look at the chart, at best they pull a fib and that's it, I'm a trader)))
I have already been down that road. All the husks have been removed, only the grains of truth remain. It took me five years. I did it fanatically twenty hours a day. Now I'm just selling and paying back debts.
What about Gunn's circle?
There, and they don't know what it is. They look at the chart, at best they pull a fib - that's it, I'm a trader)))
maybe THEY - fanatically pull...
Nestradamus will explain about Gunn, he has been doing this for several years and knows more than anyone here, anyway.
maybe THEY - fanatical about pulling...
No - them)