FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1676

You're right! The hump is the grave, the log is the furnace!

i must be an idealist - what can i do! it still seems to me that something can be found here. so far, all i find is a reason to cloud my light karma with the negativity of these evil and malevolent people. and i quietly become one myself. damn!!!

Danila, never mind....

The elders here have started a rabble-rouser - troll hut, I used to think it was us, but look closer - they're biting themselves just as bad :)

But there's a lot to read here - Vng writes interestingly ...

but then, of course, there's nothing to do here...


and I must be an idealist.
Perfectionist. Not a swear word, but clearly not a kind one.
you're right! the hump is the grave, the log is the furnace!

i must be an idealist - what can i do! it still seems to me that something can be found here. so far, all i find is a reason to darken my bright karma with the negativity of these evil and unkind people. and i'm slowly becoming one myself. shit!!!
I didn't mean to offend you, it's just that you have a strange reaction when they start explaining things to you...)
Yury Reshetov:
Perfectionist. It's not a swear word, but it's not a nice one.
Yuri, what's your bot's motive?
Yuri, spill the beans, what is your bot guided by?

At least that.

Полное описание теории обобщающей способности завершено
  • 2015.01.04
  • Юрий Решетов
Сегодня завершил полное описание теории обобщающей способности. Краткий список вопросов на которые теория даёт ответы: Почему максимальная обучающая способность не не всегда соответствует максимальной обобщающей способности? Как отличить информативные факторы от неинформативных? Что делать, если решение неоднозначно? Как получить неизменное...
Server Muradasilov:

At least with this

OH! Thanks, I'll go and read the essay.
Yuri, what's your bot's motive?

It's outrageous. I mean, for example, it's a bummer:

He waved his dough in front of his nose and took off at a loss. And before that, he caught an octopus.

Yury Reshetov:

It's a mess. I mean, that's a bummer, for instance.

He waved his dough in front of his nose and took off at a loss.

Oops! Do you still trust the M5?

All right, no distractions. I'm busy reading. ))

Oh, what a mess, nice to see.
Oh, what a mess, nice to see.

Already regretting it.

Am I really the cause of the shit?