FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1649


3. you need to look at the AGREGATED tape and then it's even clearer, because the big guys are hiding positions in asbergs, "smearing" the set in the range. In fact, it's much clearer what happens if volume at the level is aggregated by bids and ascams. Clusters are also an amazing tool. There is a lot of information on the Net.

Tell me, where may I see the LENT for currencies? Or are you talking about the general case?

And what clusters are we talking about, in relation to this topic?

If you don't mind.


Lactone, I'm writing this to you personally, because you should just ignore the duckbills with their +%, they will never bring in -%, which they have much more of.

It's an axiom that sellers and buyers are always evenly matched and it's not even up for discussion.

Again an example on the same potatoes. I want to buy 10 kilos of potatoes at 10, i.e., I put a limit on the buy at 10 for 10kg, creating a demand.

But no one is willing to sell at 10, the lowest price at which they are willing to sell at 11. There's an offer at 11.

So I buy at 11 because I have to.

What happened to the price? It went up one point. What moved it? Demand and supply. That's the only thing that moved the price.

So what should we be tracking in the market? The intentions of the participants, that's one, the OI is two, at what price the highest volume of transactions took place, three.

That's it.

If we can see that, we're good.


Gentlemen speculators,

The time of the classical market, for which the laws of supply and demand apply, is gone with the 20th century.

Today's market is governed by geopolitics.


Your Status?


just to get a little bit of a kick out of it...

blah - blah - blah...


Duckbills, shaking peepers, suffering from an inferiority complex, if you are so sick and you really need it, then do as I do. Shade your surname and post your complete state from the beginning of the year, let's admire it.

I did it drunk, but you seem to want it badly, you call it "specifics", so go ahead.

Evgeniya Balchin:
I'm laughing..... I can't)))))))))))) you specifically, I won't write anything else... Aibolit came by and told me that it's a diagnosis!!!!!!!!!! and it's -no cure!!! WITHOUT ANNOUNCEMENT!
Zhenya, explain to him what to do with girls, he doesn't seem to know what to do here either. at least let's have a laugh

Addendum to the above!

So I don't get it, where are all the successful traders?

Here you go, sober up...