FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 335


What the fuck? Why deprive yourself of the pleasure... joke and gud... remember how we laughed about it?)))

Money is nothing... mood is everything)))

there's that..... overload all the time.... (i don't care if you do it through the post)

If you don't even have the leaked )))) - then you're sneaky ))))))))))))))))

I can't see anything there... the logpark's gone... for the hundredth time... I could have posted it here...
I've been posting entries here, but the projections are growing in probability )))))

there's this..... overload all the time.... (I don't care if you do it through the post)

What's overload got to do with it?) We're not astronauts))))
I mean... we had a good laugh... having fun...
And now it's all more of a shambles... take the mood into your own hands ))))
I used to post entrances here, but the forecasts are growing in probability )))))
Well, you should have posted it here... )))
Well, that's where you'd post... )))
People! don't like my - posts, predictions, inputs. (looking for a way out )

It means trading futures on different currencies on the Moscow Exchange.

cad -UCAD (CA)- US dollar - Canadian dollar,

the reductions can be found here e.g:


my question may not help much - i wanted volumes from chicago

For moscow they may be uncorrelated with chicago



is there only three markets ? No CME ?

There is no such symbol. Maybe I don't, but others who have funded their accounts do.
I didn't check...

Thank you!
There is no such symbol. Maybe I don't, but others who have funded their accounts do.
I didn't check.

Thank you! (chuckles)
Thank you
people! don't like my - posts, predictions, inputs. (looking for a way out ))
Go to hell )))) Sennsei is the best ! Put it out there... i'm always on your side !)))

what to do about the rouble?

will it hit 65 ?