FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 206


so let him close the month

and then .... The main thing is that he does not stagnate.

All the same I see that before the end of the month should all t go to 1.58 ...from 1.54. what will our oldest forum say?
What will HE say, lying stoned in a cave)))
there's a lot of it on the internet, even for free)
There's all kinds of shit on the internet... I was asking about a primer.) Got any to read?
GopFX __:
there's all kinds of crap on the internet... I'm asking about a primer.) Got any to read?
i don't have one. i meant a picture, look.)
I don't. I wrote about the picture, look at that.)
That's too bad! What's it called? Where can I find it?

day volumes

on the subject of mm

  • kw
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North's levels are calculated according to the "primer" that Strange once published. I drew it, I won't post it here. There is a screenshot of Tarabanov in Impulse, perhaps you will understand who it is from this thread.
It's much simpler than that.
It's much simpler than that.
11,000 contracts were thrown to sell on the euro.
11,000 contracts were thrown to sell on the euro.
This suggests a sharp move upwards on Monday morning.... YES!