FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 100


boom bros from the kickback...

Can't see any waves... On the quid(weeks) W is seen... With an exit under 100 or even higher... timing, I don't know. The picture's nice... liked it...

The Master is getting old(, when he was young he could handle a pamm in a month at the most...


Guru is getting old(, when he was young he could do a pam in a month at the most...

)))))) hilarious... it was more fun... now he's pulling his weight...

The Master is getting old(, when he was young he could do the pam in a month at the most...

Burn ))))

The Master is old now(, when he was young he could do the pam in a month at the most...

But there's a silver lining. Now he is moderately aggressive. He has begun to kick more elegantly. )))

)))))) hilarious... it was funnier... now he's pulling the ripcord...
luring investors...)
Alexander Zagryadskiy:

Greetings all) Euro short with a short stop

What is this little toy drawing the profile?
what's the toy drawing profiles?
iMarketProfile from the Lana forum)
Alexander Zagryadskiy:
iMarketProfile from Lana's forum)

I was wondering...

Do you need to download it or is it available online with settings?



everyone, the limit pounder has been bought...