looking for a partner with a high-frequency trading system - page 8

No one can convince anyone, give statistics over a long period of time which there is no or guarantee either, There would be a grail, no one was on the internet, everyone is in Cyprus, we are on the internet forums instead of Cyprus.
No one can convince anyone, give statistics over a long period of time which there is no or guarantee either, There would be a grail, no one was on the internet, everyone is in Cyprus.
so from cyprus we write )

Not from Cyprus for sure. If the 'king is naked', the usual fee in trading is 30/3 or 10%. I offered 30.


I saw your post somewhere on this site a long time ago, I can't remember now, you wrote to someone that the grail doesn't last long. Did you manage to do something? Tell me about it.

Make sure the grail works and the money shows up - an online bank statement.

arbitrage on bitcoins, investments not more than $500 on PO profit of 5% (but here, depends on the amounts).

why not fora? because it's all taken care of there and bitcoin is just getting started.

But if the forex is interesting, then please, the same inter-square arbitrage (it's an easy one). but everything is blocked (at least for me, and I did not try).

No, I just show where to look.

ZS: I have written here a lot, now sometimes myself reading and hilarious, not surprised that time will pass and so will be smiling with this post )

And what software do you use for your HFT? Aitinvest TSLab + Plaza2?

No, of course not. The placement is right herehttp://www.micex.ru/services/technicalaccess/colocation

what protocol I'm not even interested in. There is a special programmer who understands all these protocols very well. His task is to quickly give me the data I need for analysis and execute the command my part of the program generates. I am responsible for the logic of work, for the trading idea. He is responsible for its implementation. There are API and self-written libraries, I simply connect them in C# and write the logic of work + advise what is required, sort of a ToR.

S#.API - StockSharp is taken as an example.

ММВБ / Услуги / Технический доступ / Colocation
ММВБ / Услуги / Технический доступ / Colocation
  • www.moex.com
Клиенты ММВБ имеют возможность воспользоваться услугами Дата-центров ММВБ для размещения собственных или клиентских систем алгоритмической торговли (в том числе так называемых High Frequency Trading – роботов) в непосредственной близости от ядра Торгово-клиринговой системы (ТКС) ММВБ. Площадки для размещения: Большой Кисловский пер. д.13...
So what is the order of investment amounts?

No, of course not. The placement is right herehttp://www.micex.ru/services/technicalaccess/colocation

what protocol I'm not even interested in. There is a special programmer who understands all these protocols very well. His task is to quickly give me the data I need for analysis and execute the command my part of the program generates. I am responsible for the logic of work, for the trading idea. He is responsible for its implementation. There are API and self-written libraries, I simply connect them in C# and write the logic of work + advise what is required, sort of a ToR.

S#.API - StockSharp is taken as an example.


Show me the certificate, then I'll believe that YOU are not "pouring".

So what is the order of magnitude of the investment?
If you haven't told me yet, it's ten grand )

You won't be able to work effectively on a large sum (those who have worked know why, so I'll leave this point out), I was planning on splitting it up for everyone.

And why would a hft-scholar need you with your small sums?