looking for a partner with a high-frequency trading system - page 13


Oh, these highly racial Kievites... it's to be expected... they admit it themselves (sometimes proudly, though there's nothing to be proud of...), it might be more expected if only they were Kievites in peacocks...

In order not to seem biased))))) I will refer to Strange's words ))))) :"I am always suspicious of all our undertakings, as I know the national character very well, I am partly like that myself)))".

And our liberal televangelists... the very innocence... they will praise the devil himself for advertising money. In fact, there should be an article for that. Taking advantage of their popularity to mislead people, although they do not use what they advertise. What about all sorts of drugs, what about investments, anything. They should be put in jail for advertising a drug which leads to the loss of health and for advertising financial plans which lead to the loss of money of the citizens. Although it is almost impossible to convict them of this. But morally I have always been amazed at the actors' lack of integrity, because they do not take advantage of crap that they advertise, why lie? They are not poor as it is... I understand that the answer will be of the category - business is what... So there's no better objection than "you're shit... what". I can't think of any other objection.

what's the PR campaign? ))
What do you mean PR campaign???? did you read the thread title?
What do you mean PR campaign???? have you read the title of the thread?
did you?
Berezhny works through cfhclearing, a cool broker in fact .
Vitaly, why do we need it? There are so many traders, one even told his investor to fuck off. I do not understand you. A self-propaganda campaign through a login who recommends you?
A lame PR campaign in an off-topic thread is the height of grief-advertiser madness
I'm looking for traders to spread the money around, to reduce the risks. So far one has the money, I want two more. I need professionals, can you recommend someone? I'd really appreciate it.
I'm looking for traders to spread the money around, to reduce the risks. So far one has the money, I want two more. I need professionals, maybe you can recommend someone? I'd be very grateful.
You should say so right away - Vitaly, Vitaly... Super trader...
Why not share your investment practices :) maybe someone will find them useful ...
Why not share your investment practices :) maybe someone will find them useful ...
Of course - you just started an account - why not share your experience with the public?