Market prediction based on macroeconomic indicators - page 27

And when you think in Russian and answer in English, does that not surprise you?
And when you think in Russian and reply in English, does it not surprise you?
I think that a person thinks in a distracted way and forms a thought in a language, whatever it is, even in CC++, for example, he saw a stunning beauty and said wow and fell down, after this hit he started speaking in English - he forgot Russian completely, although he knew English well enough...))
Alexander Laur:

Europe does not know what to do about refugees from the Middle East. We have to deal with the Middle East or Europe will collapse.

Here you have a far-sighted view of the problem. It's not even a problem, it's some kind of catastrophe(

There are countries in Europe with a population of a million. If you imagine a flood, these countries could disappear, dissolve.


Map of currency devaluation against the dollar (didn't check... pictures from the net)

Map of public debt of countries

The market is the best macroeconomic indicator.
Sergiy Podolyak:
The market is the best macroeconomic indicator.
But you won't be able to calculate "geopolitics" accurately. But the price series itself, as it turns out, already contains all the information about where it will go in the near future. Although you can't see it on the monitors.
Alexander Laur:

On the subject of market manipulation.

Positive GDP data came out for the Eurozone and the Euro was falling....:)

Statistics don't work in forex. Well, at least I did not find any coincidence. Tried and LIBOR rate for different countries (currencies), macroeconomic data etc. I haven't found anything to latch on to. Found some patterns in treasuries (prices), not yields. If bonds broke through the channel at historical highs, the dollar would start to fall and the euro would naturally grow.

Sergiy Podolyak:
But you can't accurately calculate "geopolitics". But the price series itself, as it turns out, already contains all the information about where it will go in the near future. Although, it cannot be seen on the monitors.
Now, you can see the market price (red dotted line) on the monitors, which was not visible before. It is also seen that the market price and the current price have different activity and volatility. One thing is certain - the invisible market price affects the formation of the current price
Chart EURUSD, M5, 2015.09.09 09:01 UTC, E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc., MetaTrader 4, Real
Chart EURUSD, M5, 2015.09.09 09:01 UTC, E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc., MetaTrader 4, Real
Symbol: EURUSD. Periodicity: M5. Broker: E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc.. Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4. Trading Mode: Real. Date: 2015.09.09 09:01 UTC.
Sergiy Podolyak:
But you can't accurately calculate "geopolitics". But the price series itself, as it turns out, already contains all the information about where it will go in the near future. Although, it cannot be seen on the monitors.
The price series is not visible on the monitors:
Now, you can see on the monitors...
Guys... be careful... Please. I'm addicted to ads)))) I'm trying to decide which one to buy))))