Market prediction based on macroeconomic indicators - page 32


I predicted:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

Predicting the market based on macroeconomic indicators

sibirqk, 2015.08.16 07:37

If they do raise the rate in September (which is very unlikely), by the end of September the exchange rate could be down to the bottom of the year at 1.04-1.05, if not (most likely), by the end of September the rate will be 1.14-1.17.

And back in May when analysts were arguing about the timing of reaching parity:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

Will the euro reach parity with the dollar in 2015 ?

sibirqk, 2015.05.16 16:19

The upshot of all this much buzz: Euro exchange rate in November-December 15 will probably be 1.25-1.35.

Different indicators might become 'major' at different times - right now it is inflation and everything connected with it. The FED will focus mainly on inflation when deciding to raise the rate, while the ECB may prematurely end quantitative easing if inflation rises.


I predicted:

And back in May when analysts were arguing about the timing of reaching parity:

At different times the "main" indicators may be different - right now it is inflation and everything to do with it. The FED will focus mainly on inflation when deciding whether to raise the rate, while the ECB could end quantitative easing prematurely if inflation rises.

The upshot of all this much-booing - where is your open THEN long trade on the euro with targets of 1.25-1.35?
The conclusion from all this verbiage - where is your long trade opened THIS TIME on the euro with targets 1.25-1.35?

You must have the wrong thread, specific trading is discussed in FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences 2015 (continued) and this thread is more theoretical basics.


You must have the wrong thread, specific trading is discussed in FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences 2015(continued) and this thread is more theoretical basics.

Is this your branch?

it's getting boring here... :(


However, how amicably the US and European indices are stomping down ;)

When do American-philic-Europhilic expect a rapid growth? And to what heights?


Олег avtomat:

Confirm your equity that your analysis makes sense and then post pictures.

I can also use coffee grounds to make one successful guess and then go around pretending the prediction came true.


Confirm with Equity that your analysis makes sense and then post pictures.

Andrei, you're scaring me.

ZS Although... What kind of opinion on architecture can someone without a residence permit have.

Алексей Тарабанов:

ZS Although... What kind of opinion on architecture can someone without residence registration have?

What kind of propiska do you need? ) In successful forex dealers? TAU connoisseurs? Anything else?

I have a strong opinion that the notorious tractor has no steering wheel, so it goes the wrong way in the wrong direction. And the fact that its direction accidentally coincides with the right one is no reason to boast about it.

But to resemble Yusuf and disseminate his pseudo predictions and pseudo theories throughout the forum on the basis of successful images in general I think it's shameful business. That's why I spoke out.

I do not hope for understanding, although I thought that you are the kind of person who can spot a frank monkey


I have a strong opinion that the notorious tractor has no steering wheel, so it does not go the way it is supposed to.

And I consider it a shameful business to follow Yusuf and disseminate his pseudo predictions and pseudo theories all over the forum relying on good pictures. That's why I spoke out.

I do not hope for understanding, although I thought you were the one who can spot the obvious ape.

Shall we help our fellow stokers?
ek gayrophile hit a nerve... ;)))