Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 229

Here's one for the beat, I don't think it'll be difficult to redo.)
Thanks a lot.)
Как биткоин победит бумажные деньги
Как биткоин победит бумажные деньги
Биткоины интересуют не только хакеров и программистов, но и сенат США, и компанию Virgin
here for off-line chart), I don't think it's hard to redo )

Thanks again, everything works. In an indestructible habit of messing up other people's code :), I replaced "ltc" with "api" in the name of the new symbol and removed "inheritance" altogether. Also, I added DShift parameter, which is used as DShift*StrToDouble(DownLoadTicker()). When it's 1000, it transforms BTC into mBTC.

P.S. I also did this:

  TShift = 60*Period_Mimute;

P.P.S. And by the way yes, second day brought only 0.56%, but with such growth of difficulty could be worse :)

P.S. I also did this:

I hardly ever pay attention to the time, it seems to start in the 70s there )
I hardly ever pay attention to the time, it seems to start in the 70s.)
Symbolic :). You could consider that the abolition of the gold standard never happened :)).
P.P.S. By the way, yes, the second day brought only 0.56%, but with such an increase in difficulty it could be worse :)
You are an optimist, though :) It will only get worse from here on. That's even without taking into account all the risks regarding the price.
You are an optimist though :) it will only get worse. That's not even taking into account all the risks concerning the price.

Well, yes, it is kind of expected that the rate of mining will fall and, as a consequence, the gigahexes will depreciate. But the price risks are just fine, because the whole calculation is done in BTC. On the contrary, the fall of BTC rate will allegedly slow down the inflation of gigahesh. But the most interesting question for me is to what extent reinvestments can compensate for this inflation.

In fact, my greatest fear is that one day the resource will disappear, taking my millibits forever :)).


Nah, you must have misunderstood. In bitcoins, you are not virtually guaranteed a return on your investment.

So it doesn't all go straight to your wallet either? And there is no direct withdrawal at any time?


Nah, you must have misunderstood. In bitcoins, you are not virtually guaranteed to break even.

That is, you and not directly to the purse it all falls? And there is no direct withdrawal at any time?

We'll see. So far in two days, a total plus of 0.82%. Exactly in bitcoins. That's if I sell the gigahexes back right now at the current price.

It seems it is possible to withdraw at any time, but I have not checked it yet, at such sum the commission does matter :)

P.S. Since the morning, a minute chart dialed )

График apiGHSBTC, M1, 2013.12.23 10:22 UTC, Distel Enterprise, MetaTrader 4, Demo
График apiGHSBTC, M1, 2013.12.23 10:22 UTC, Distel Enterprise, MetaTrader 4, Demo
Символ: apiGHSBTC. Период графика: M1. Брокер: Distel Enterprise. Торговая платформа: MetaTrader 4. Режим торговли: Demo. Дата: 2013.12.23 10:22 UTC.


You didn't happen to be the one who decided to get high again, did you? ))

Screenshots from MetaTrader platform

NMCUSD, M1, 2013.12.24

Distel Enterprise, MetaTrader 4, Real

NMCUSD, M1, 2013.12.24, Distel Enterprise, MetaTrader 4, Real