Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 289

Yury Reshetov:
TOR rules. It doesn't care about all sorts of organs.
This means nothing secret will remain: as Mueller said, what two people know, two people know... Or complete freedom of cooperation and all sorts of conspiracies and spy connections and sabotage, plus the possibility of hypnotising the perpetrators... They will probably come up with something against this, some kind of polygraph...
In case anyone doesn't know, google translate is a great way to look at banned sites.
In case anyone doesn't know, google translate is a great way to look at banned sites.
It's one thing to look once, it's another thing to use the resources on a regular basis.
Yury Reshetov:
TOR rules. It doesn't care about organs.

The point is, there will be fewer new arrivals, so if a newbie sees a page like this, they won't go any further.

Not to mention the money entry.

In case anyone doesn't know, google translate is a great way to look at banned sites.
The api has been blocked too
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
The api has been blocked as well.
Well, what can I say... I sympathize. I hope our batsyka will not care about it and just forget about bitcoins, so far no blockages, but bots are still in Europe on the azurka.
What can I say... I'm sorry. I hope our batsyka will not care about it and just forget about bitcoins, so far no blockages, and the bots are still in Europe on the azurka.

it's not that big of a problem, with a VPS(located somewhere in Iran or EU) everything should work.

it's more of a problem for newcomers and those who have dough there, but MT4 works (other api have servers somewhere in New York).


Actually, I withdrew everything an hour before the blockage (the money came after the blockage), but I didn't know there would be a blockage. )

that's my sensitive ass.)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

that's my sensitive ass)

You'll go far.)
Минфин предложил сажать за выпуск биткоинов на срок до 7 лет
  • 2016.03.10
Москва. 10 марта. INTERFAX.RU – Минфин подготовил более жесткие поправки в Уголовный кодекс, устанавливающие наказание за выпуск денежных суррогатов, теперь это грозит лишением свободы на срок до 4 лет, при этом для топ-менеджеров банков и финансовых компаний наказание будет строже - до 7 лет тюрьмы с лишением права занимать определенные...