Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 235

АНБ разрабатывает суперкомпьютер, способный взломать любой шифр
АНБ разрабатывает суперкомпьютер, способный взломать любой шифр
Агентство национальной безопасности США разрабатывает квантовый суперкомпьютер, способный взломать практически любые шифровальные системы, в том числе используемые разными странами для защиты конфиденциальных правительственных, коммерческих и банковских данных. Об этом сообщило в среду издание Washington Post со ссылкой на документы...
Original article here
NSA seeks quantum computer that could crack most codes
NSA seeks quantum computer that could crack most codes
  • Steven Rich
In room-size metal boxes ­secure against electromagnetic leaks, the National Security Agency is racing to build a computer that could break nearly every kind of encryption used to protect banking, medical, business and government records around the world. According to documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, the...

The US National Security Agency is developing a quantum supercomputer capable of cracking virtually any encryption system ...


Other computational algorithms will allow the quantum computer to decompose numbers into prime multipliers at an enormous speed and thereby crack ciphers of any complexity.

Bullshit. Factorization or prime factorization will only break RSA ciphers. The rest of the public key cryptography is based on the problem of discrete logarithm modulo a large prime number. And prime numbers don't have prime factors because they are only divisible by themselves or by 1 without a remainder.

Quantum computers have been implemented since the last century. Only their computational capabilities are still much worse than the usual microcalculator. I.e. such crap can decompose into factors only number 15, and that if one is very lucky, but it consumes an awful lot of electricity and requires super-duper sophisticated protection against interference.

At least Bitcoin is not threatened by quantum computers, because its cryptography is based on ECDSA, not RSA.


Bullshit. Factoring or decomposition into prime factors will only crack RSA ciphers. The rest of public key cryptography is based on the problem of discrete logarithm modulo a large prime number. And prime numbers don't have prime factors because they are only divisible by themselves or by 1 without a remainder.

Quantum computers have been implemented since the last century. Only their computational capabilities are still much worse than the usual microcalculator. I.e. such crap can decompose into factors only number 15, and that if one is very lucky, but it consumes an awful lot of electricity and requires super-duper sophisticated protection against interference.

At least bitcoin is not threatened by quantum computers, because its cryptography is based on ECDSA, not RSA.

I have a lamp calculator somewhere (a lamp is used to display information).

I also have a calculator ), at the local supermarket I still use it to count.)


Bullshit. Factoring or decomposition into prime factors will only crack RSA ciphers. The rest of public key cryptography is based on the problem of discrete logarithm modulo a large prime number. And prime numbers don't have prime factors because they are only divisible by themselves or by 1 without a remainder.

Quantum computers have been implemented since the last century. Only their computational capabilities are still much worse than the usual microcalculator. I.e. such crap can decompose into factors only number 15, and that if one is very lucky, but it consumes an awful lot of electricity and requires super-duper sophisticated protection against interference.

At least Bitcoin is not threatened by quantum computers, because its cryptography is based on ECDSA, not RSA.

Thank you for the detailed answer.

At least Bitcoin is not threatened by quantum computers because its cryptography is based on ECDSA, not RSA.

Quantum computers can be used for more than just number factorisation:

It is hoped that if a real quantum computer is created, bitcoin cracking will be invisible from the rest of the problem.


Threw a little party at the office


Quantum computers can be used for more than just factoring numbers:

It is hoped that if a real quantum computer does get built, bitcoin hacking will be invisible from the rest of the problem.

Absolutely agree. :)
Why is only bitcoin praised here?

because the thread is about bitcoin, it's obvious.)

ZS: And it's not just praising bitcoin, it's also criticising it.


Threw a little party at the office
